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For securing a conversation between two parties.
Dirsp is a short form for Diskuv Implementations of Research Security Protocols. The dirsp-exchange-kbb2017
library implements the Kobeissi, Bhargavan and Blanchet 2017 protocol that is a variant of the Signal Protocol v3 and has been verified using two complementary formal methodologies. It uses a dirsp-proscript
library like dirsp-proscript-mirage
to provide a runtime library of cryptographic primitives.
Here is the simplest example for an exchange of messages (based on the formal ProVerif secrecy-1-ab-twoway.pv proof test of secrecy):
(* FIRST: Make some module shortcuts and initialize modules that need it *)
module P = Dirsp_proscript_mirage.Make()
module C = P.Crypto
module ED25519 = P.Crypto.ED25519
module E = P.Encoding
module K = Dirsp_exchange_kbb2017.Make(P)
module U = K.UTIL
module T = K.TOPLEVEL
module KEY = K.Type_key
module MSG = K.Type_msg
(* Initialize the random number generator; Mirage_crypto_rng_lwt works only on *nix *)
let () = Mirage_crypto_rng_lwt.initialize ()
(* SECOND: Let Alice and Bob create their own long-term key pairs.
Alice keeps her private keys hidden, and Bob keeps his private
keys hidden. As an implementor of this algorithm, you need to
make sure there is a secure storage area for each person and place
the private keys in that storage area.
Note: The strings (ex. "alice-identity") are documentation hints, and are
only meaningful during unit testing or proof testing.
let aliceIdentityKey = U.newIdentityKey (P.of_string "alice-identity")
let aliceSignedPreKey = U.newKeyPair (P.of_string "alice-signed-prekey")
let bobIdentityKey = U.newIdentityKey (P.of_string "bob-identity")
let bobSignedPreKey = U.newKeyPair (P.of_string "bob-signed-prekey")
(* At any point you can see the contents of a key, message, etc. with `P.hexdump` *)
(* THIRD: Alice and Bob exchange a set of long-term public keys.
As an implementor, the exchange can be simply publishing the long-term keys
once to a common location (ex. a server) and having each person download
the other person's public keys.
let aliceIdentityKeyPub =
let aliceIdentityDHKeyPub = U.getDHPublicKey aliceIdentityKey.priv
let aliceSignedPreKeyPub =
let aliceSignedPreKeySignature = ED25519.signature (KEY.toBitstring aliceSignedPreKeyPub) aliceIdentityKey.priv aliceIdentityKeyPub
let bobIdentityKeyPub =
let bobIdentityDHKeyPub = U.getDHPublicKey bobIdentityKey.priv
let bobSignedPreKeyPub =
let bobSignedPreKeySignature = ED25519.signature (KEY.toBitstring bobSignedPreKeyPub ) bobIdentityKey.priv bobIdentityKeyPub
(* FOURTH: Alice and Bob create their own prekeys.
Each prekey has an identifier [Id]. As an implementor of this algorithm, you need
to make sure there is a secure storage area for each person's prekeys. This storage
area needs to have lookup by an integer [Id].
In this example, we create one prekey each person. As an implementator, you should create many.
let alicePreKey = U.newKeyPair (P.of_string "alice-prekey")
let bobPreKey = U.newKeyPair (P.of_string "bob-prekey")
(* FIFTH: Alice consumes one of Bob's one-time prekeys. Bob consumes one of Alice's one-time prekeys.
By "consume" we mean that once taken, the prekey can no longer be used. As an implementor, you
need to have a common location (ex. a server) that lets:
a) each person periodically post a large number of random prekeys
b) each person consume prekeys that belongs to any other person
{b CAUTION:} Be aware that "b" is an easy path to denial of service. Use standard anti-DOS
techniques (ex. authentication, rate limiting on the consumer and the consumee) but inevitably
that will not be enough. The solution from
is to fallback to an algorithm that uses only the signed prekey; KBB2017 however expects an infinite supply of
prekeys. We suggest either letting each person post a "last resort" prekey that is used when all prekeys are
exhausted -or- re-using the last prekey if all but the last prekey are exhausted.
let alicePreKeyPub =
let alicePreKeyId = 1 (* the Id of alicePreKey *)
let bobPreKeyPub =
let bobPreKeyId = 1 (* the Id of bobPreKey *)
(* SIXTH: Alice establishes a session with Bob. *)
let aliceSessionWithBob = T.newSession
(KEY.toBitstring bobIdentityKeyPub)
(KEY.toBitstring bobIdentityDHKeyPub)
(KEY.toBitstring bobSignedPreKeyPub)
(KEY.toBitstring bobPreKeyPub)
(* SEVENTH: Alice sends a message to Bob and updates her session. *)
let aliceToBobMsg1 = P.of_string "Hi Bob!"
let aliceToBobSendOutput1 = T.send
Format.printf "Did Alice send successfully? %b\n" aliceToBobSendOutput1.output.valid
(* Alice updates her session or she loses forward secrecy! *)
let updatedAliceSessionWithBob = aliceToBobSendOutput1.them
(* EIGHTH: Bob establishes his own session with Alice. *)
let bobSessionWithAlice = T.newSession
(KEY.toBitstring aliceIdentityKeyPub)
(KEY.toBitstring aliceIdentityDHKeyPub)
(KEY.toBitstring aliceSignedPreKeyPub)
(KEY.toBitstring alicePreKeyPub)
(* NINTH: Bob receives the message from Alice and updates his session *)
let bobFromAliceMsg2 = aliceToBobSendOutput1.output
let bobFromAliceReceiveOutput2 = T.recv
Format.printf "Did Bob receive a message? %b\n"
Format.printf "Bob just received a new message: %s\n"
(bobFromAliceReceiveOutput2.plaintext |> P.to_bytes |> Bytes.to_string)
(* Bob updates his session or he loses forward secrecy! *)
let updatedBobSessionWithAlice = bobFromAliceReceiveOutput2.them
The intent of the library is to provide software engineers with auditable source code that has some level of safety assurance (typically proofs) from security researchers. By "auditable" we mean the ability to justify every line of source code when undergoing an audit by a competent security engineer. No third-party vetting of the source code has been conducted (unless noted explicitly), and the original authors at Diskuv did not have security researchers or engineers on staff when the library was originally written. Contact to report any security issues, and feel free to shame publicly on Twitter @diskuv if Diskuv is not being responsive.
You may be interested in Comparison to Other Libraries.
See Source Code Verification for help authenticating the source code history.
The security research used in dirsp-exchange
comes from various research and corporate institutions. Diskuv has no affiliation with any of the institutions below:
Please cite the institutions above rather than Diskuv. In fact, many academic licenses require you to credit the institution by name; see Licenses further below.
X3DH was created by Open Whisper Systems and placed in the public domain in the publication The X3DH Key Agreement Protocol. That publication defines X3DH as "establish[ing] a shared secret key between two parties who mutually authenticate each other based on public keys. X3DH provides forward secrecy and cryptographic deniability."
X3DH uses The Double Ratchet Algorithm as a building block.
Olm: A Cryptographic Ratchet is a similar algorithm.
is distributed under the Apache-2.0 license.
The proscript-messaging
source files used in Make
are distributed with the following license:
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (Inria Paris-Rocquencourt) All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <COPYRIGHT HOLDER> OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed or implied, of the authors.
We primarily use an independent third party tool vChain CodeNotary to establish an audit trail of what source code was placed when in this library. vcn
lets us both create a trusted timestamp of commits and sign snapshots of third-party repositories, neither of which classical GPG git signing accomplish. Use vcn authenticate --signerID
to validate git history.
The proscript-messaging source code repository has been forked at for audit redundancy.
SignerID: 0xdaf31b40f750c92afc50e5750fac6a28da4cedc4 Code: Hash: 3354e25ec0e92f6e99a1e26591c8c356d0c7b35b652539b624286c83e89a2a47
If you need determinism, you can instantiate your own random number generation like the toy example below:
module P = Dirsp_proscript_mirage.CustomizedMake(struct
include Dirsp_proscript_mirage.DefaultOptions
(** We use the first byte of MD5(id), and repeat it until we fill the requested size.
{b DO NOT USE THIS IN PRODUCTION}; only use this in unit tests. *)
let random_bytes sz id =
let md5bytes = Digest.string id in
let firstbyte = String.get md5bytes 0 in
Bytes.init sz (fun i -> firstbyte)
module Make : sig ... end
Makes the Kobeissi, Bhargavan and Blanchet (KBB2017) verified security protocol that will delegate to a Proscript runtime library of cryptographic primitives.