package diffast-core

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module UID = Diffast_misc.UID
module MID = Moveid
val sprintf : ('a, unit, string) format -> 'a
type move_id = Moveid.t
type move_kind =
  1. | Mnormal
  2. | Mpermutation
  3. | Modd
val move_id_to_string : Moveid.t -> string
val move_kind_to_string : move_kind -> string
type 'node_t t =
  1. | Delete of bool * 'node_t Info.t * 'node_t Info.t list ref
  2. | Insert of bool * 'node_t Info.t * 'node_t Info.t list ref
  3. | Relabel of bool ref * 'node_t Info.t * 'node_t Info.t list ref * 'node_t Info.t * 'node_t Info.t list ref
  4. | Move of move_id ref * move_kind ref * 'node_t Info.t * 'node_t Info.t list ref * 'node_t Info.t * 'node_t Info.t list ref
type tag =
  1. | Tdel
  2. | Tins
  3. | Trel
  4. | Tmov
val tag_to_string : tag -> string
val hash : < uid : UID.t.. > t -> tag * UID.t * UID.t
val to_string : < data : < gid : Diffast_core.Info.GI.t ; label : string.. > ; gindex : Diffast_core.Info.GI.t ; initial_pos : int ; is_collapsed : bool ; uid : Diffast_core.Info.UID.t.. > t -> string
val to_string_gid : < data : < gid : Diffast_core.Info.GI.t ; label : string.. > ; gindex : Diffast_core.Info.GI.t ; initial_pos : int ; is_collapsed : bool.. > t -> string
val is_whole : < is_collapsed : 'a.. > -> 'a
val make_delete : < data : < src_loc : Diffast_core.Info.Loc.t.. > ; is_collapsed : bool.. > as 'a -> 'a t
val make_insert : < data : < src_loc : Diffast_core.Info.Loc.t.. > ; is_collapsed : bool.. > as 'a -> 'a t
val make_relabel : < data : < src_loc : Diffast_core.Info.Loc.t.. >.. > as 'a -> 'a -> 'a t
val _make_move : move_id -> move_kind -> 'a Info.t -> 'a Info.t -> 'a t
val make_move : move_id -> 'a Info.t -> 'a Info.t -> 'a t
val make_move_permutation : move_id -> 'a Info.t -> 'a Info.t -> 'a t
val make_move_odd : move_id -> 'a Info.t -> 'a Info.t -> 'a t

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