package deriving

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module type Dump = sig ... end
module Defaults (P : sig ... end) : Dump with type a = P.a
exception Dump_error of string
module Dump_int32 : Dump with type a = Int32.t
module Dump_int64 : Dump with type a = Int64.t
module Dump_nativeint : Dump with type a = Nativeint.t
module Dump_int : Dump with type a = int
module Dump_char : Dump with type a = char
module Dump_string : Dump with type a = string
module Dump_float : Dump with type a = float
module Dump_bool : Dump with type a = bool
module Dump_unit : Dump with type a = unit
module Dump_list (P : Dump) : Dump with type a = P.a list
module Dump_option (P : Dump) : Dump with type a = P.a option
module Dump_undumpable (P : sig ... end) : Dump with type a = P.a
module Dump_via_marshal (P : sig ... end) : Dump with type a = P.a
module Dump_alpha (P : sig ... end) : Dump with type a = P.a

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