Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
Whole-row parsing.
type 'a builder_t = 'a t
val get_conv_exn :
t ->
string ->
Core.Source_code_position.t ->
(string -> 'a) ->
get_conv_exn t header [%here] conv
extract the cell with column header
from row
and convert it using conv
. If there is an error the error is raised including row
and the source code position (%here
val get_exn : t -> string -> string
get_exn t header
return the column of the row corresponding to header
val get_conv_opt_exn :
t ->
string ->
Core.Source_code_position.t ->
(string -> 'a) ->
'a option
is like get_conv_exn
, but empty strings are converted to None
. Missing headers raise exceptions.
val get : t -> string -> string option
get t header
same as get_exn, but returns an option when the header was not found
val get_opt_exn : t -> string -> string option
is like get_exn
, but empty strings are converted to None
. Missing headers raise exceptions.
val nth_exn : t -> int -> string
nth_exn t i
return the ith column of t (indexed from 0)
val nth_conv_exn :
t ->
int ->
Core.Source_code_position.t ->
(string -> 'a) ->
nth_conv_exn t i [%here] conv
extract the ith column of t
and convert it using conv
. If there is an error the error is raised including row
and the source code position (%here
val nth : t -> int -> string option
nth t i
same as nth_exn, but returns an option in the case where t does not have at least i - 1 columns
val nth_conv : t -> int -> (string -> 'a) -> 'a option
is like nth_conv_exn
, but returns None
if there is an error.
val to_list : t -> string list
to_list t
return all columns in the order they appear in the file
val to_array : t -> string array
to_array t
return all columns in the order they appear in the file
val length : t -> int
length t
returns number of fields in this row
val headers : t -> int Core.String.Map.t
headers t
return the header mapping (header -> position) available for the table this row is from.
is a list in the same order as in input file.
val list_of_headers : t -> string list
val is_empty : t -> bool
is_empty t
return true if the row contains only empty strings
val to_string : t -> string
val sexp_of_t : t -> Core.Sexp.t
val fold :
t ->
init:'acc ->
f:('acc -> header:string -> data:string -> 'acc) ->
folds over (header, data) pairs.
It may throw if header doesn't have a corresponding entry in data array, e.g. when row has fewer columns than headers.
val fold_opt :
t ->
init:'acc ->
f:('acc -> header:string -> data:string option -> 'acc) ->
just like fold
but lets user handle missing data.
val iter : t -> f:(header:string -> data:string -> unit) -> unit
val create : int Core.String.Table.t -> string array -> t
val create' : int Core.String.Map.t -> string array -> t
module Expert : sig ... end