package daypack-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type ('task_seg_related_data, 'time) fixed = {
  1. start : 'time;
type ('task_seg_related_data, 'time_slot) shift = {
  1. time_slots : 'time_slot list;
  2. incre : int64;
type split_count =
  1. | Max_split of int64
  2. | Exact_split of int64
type ('task_seg_related_data, 'time_slot) split_and_shift = {
  1. time_slots : 'time_slot list;
  2. incre : int64;
  3. split_count : split_count;
  4. min_seg_size : int64;
  5. max_seg_size : int64 option;
type ('task_seg_related_data, 'time_slot) split_even = {
  1. time_slots : 'time_slot list;
  2. buckets : 'time_slot list;
  3. incre : int64;
type ('task_seg_related_data, 'time_slot) time_share = {
  1. time_slots : 'time_slot list;
  2. interval_size : int64;
type ('task_seg_related_data, 'time, 'time_slot) push_toward = {
  1. target : 'time;
  2. time_slots : 'time_slot list;
  3. incre : int64;
type ('task_seg_related_data, 'time, 'time_slot) t =
  1. | Fixed of ('task_seg_related_data, 'time) fixed
  2. | Shift of ('task_seg_related_data, 'time_slot) shift
  3. | Split_and_shift of ('task_seg_related_data, 'time_slot) split_and_shift
  4. | Split_even of ('task_seg_related_data, 'time_slot) split_even
  5. | Time_share of ('task_seg_related_data, 'time_slot) time_share
  6. | Push_toward of ('task_seg_related_data, 'time, 'time_slot) push_toward
val shift_time : offset:int64 -> ('a, int64, Time_slot.t) t -> ('a, int64, Time_slot.t) t
val shift_time_list : offset:int64 -> ('a, int64, Time_slot.t) t list -> ('a, int64, Time_slot.t) t list
val map : f_data:('a -> 'd) -> f_time:('b -> 'e) -> f_time_slot:('c -> 'f) -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('d, 'e, 'f) t
val map_list : f_data:('a -> 'b) -> f_time:('c -> 'd) -> f_time_slot:('e -> 'f) -> ('a, 'c, 'e) t list -> ('b, 'd, 'f) t list
module Check : sig ... end
val get_inner_data : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> 'a list
val contains_matching_inner_data : ('a -> bool) -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> bool
val list_contains_matching_inner_data : ('a -> bool) -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t list -> bool
val remove_data_units_with_matching_inner_data : ('a -> bool) -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t list -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t list
module To_string : sig ... end
module Serialize : sig ... end
module Deserialize : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.