package datakit-github

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

API State: TODO find a better name?


module API : API



type token

The type for state token.

val token : API.token -> Capabilities.t -> token

token t c is the token using the GitHub API token t limited by the capabilities c.

val capabilities : token -> Capabilities.t

capabilities t is the token t's capabilities.

val with_capabilities : Capabilities.t -> token -> token

with_capabilities c t is t with the capabilities c.


import token t r imports the state of GitHub for the elements in r into t. API calls use the token token.

val apply : token -> Diff.t -> unit Lwt.t

apply token d applies the snapshot diff d as a series of GitHub API calls, using the token token.


val add_webhooks : token -> watch:(Repo.t -> unit Lwt.t) -> Repo.Set.t -> unit Lwt.t

add_webhooks t rs adds webhooks for the repositories rs.

val import_webhook_events : token -> events:(unit -> Event.t list) -> Snapshot.t -> Snapshot.t Lwt.t

import_webhook_events t ~events s applies events () on top of s. Note: it ensure that all the metadata are correctly updated by inserting (possibly) missing events in the mix. For instance, GitHub never sends status events, so import_events has to reconstruct them.


Innovation. Community. Security.