package datakit-ci

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Extension of Lwt_process

Convenience wrappers around Lwt_process.

val run_with_exit_status : ?switch:Lwt_switch.t -> ?log:Live_log.t -> ?cwd:string -> ?env:string array -> output:(string -> unit) -> ?log_cmd:Lwt_process.command -> Lwt_process.command -> Unix.process_status Lwt.t

Run cmd, passing each chunk of output it produces on stdout or stderr to output. A copy of the output is also streamed to our stdout. Returns the exit status of the process when completed. If log_cmd is given, it is displayed in all log messages instead of cmd. This is useful to hide secret tokens, etc.

val run : ?switch:Lwt_switch.t -> ?log:Live_log.t -> ?cwd:string -> ?env:string array -> output:(string -> unit) -> ?log_cmd:Lwt_process.command -> Lwt_process.command -> unit Lwt.t

Run cmd, passing each chunk of output it produces on stdout or stderr to output. A copy of the output is also streamed to our stdout. Raises an exception if the process doesn't return an exit status of zero.

val check_status : Lwt_process.command -> Unix.process_status -> unit

check_status cmd status checks that status is a successful exit status. If not, it raises an exception giving cmd as the cause.


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