package current-web-pipelines

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val duration_pp : Format.formatter -> Duration.t -> unit
type info =
  1. | No_info
  2. | Cached
  3. | Running_since of float
  4. | Finished of {
    1. ready : float;
    2. running : float option;
    3. finished : float;
type t = {
  1. total : float option;
  2. info : info;
val empty : t
val info_to_string : info -> string
val to_elem : t -> [> Html_types.span ] Tyxml_html.elt
val of_job : creation_date:float -> Current.job_id -> t
val run_time : t -> float
val merge : t -> t -> t
val map_node : creation_date:float -> [< `Children of ('a * t) list | `Leaf of 'b State.job ] -> 'c -> 'c * t
val map_stage : ('a * t) list -> 'b -> 'b * t

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