package cudf

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type package = {
  1. package : Cudf_types.pkgname;
  2. version : Cudf_types.version;
  3. depends : Cudf_types.vpkgformula;
  4. conflicts : Cudf_types.vpkglist;
  5. provides : Cudf_types.veqpkglist;
  6. installed : bool;
  7. was_installed : bool;
  8. keep : Cudf_types.enum_keep;
  9. pkg_extra : Cudf_types.typed_value Cudf_types.stanza;
val (=%) : package -> package -> bool
val (<%) : package -> package -> int
val (>%) : package -> package -> int
type request = {
  1. request_id : string;
  2. install : Cudf_types.vpkglist;
  3. remove : Cudf_types.vpkglist;
  4. upgrade : Cudf_types.vpkglist;
  5. req_extra : Cudf_types.typed_value Cudf_types.stanza;
type preamble = {
  1. preamble_id : string;
  2. property : Cudf_types.typedecl;
  3. univ_checksum : string;
  4. status_checksum : string;
  5. req_checksum : string;
val default_preamble : preamble
val default_package : package
val default_request : request
type cudf_doc = preamble option * package list * request
type cudf_item = [
  1. | `Package of package
  2. | `Preamble of preamble
  3. | `Request of request
exception Constraint_violation of string
type universe
type cudf = preamble * universe * request
type solution = preamble * universe
val load_universe : package list -> universe
val lookup_package : universe -> (Cudf_types.pkgname * Cudf_types.version) -> package
val mem_package : universe -> (Cudf_types.pkgname * Cudf_types.version) -> bool
val mem_installed : ?include_features:bool -> ?ignore:(package -> bool) -> universe -> Cudf_types.vpkg -> bool
val who_provides : ?installed:bool -> universe -> Cudf_types.vpkg -> (package * Cudf_types.version option) list
val lookup_packages : ?filter:Cudf_types.constr -> universe -> Cudf_types.pkgname -> package list
val get_installed : universe -> Cudf_types.pkgname -> package list
val uid_by_package : universe -> package -> int
val package_by_uid : universe -> int -> package
val iter_packages : (package -> unit) -> universe -> unit
val fold_packages : ('a -> package -> 'a) -> 'a -> universe -> 'a
val iteri_packages : (int -> package -> unit) -> universe -> unit
val get_packages : ?filter:(package -> bool) -> universe -> package list
val universe_size : universe -> int
val installed_size : universe -> int
val status : universe -> universe
val lookup_package_property : package -> string -> string
val lookup_request_property : request -> string -> string
val lookup_preamble_property : preamble -> string -> string
val lookup_typed_package_property : package -> string -> Cudf_types.typed_value
val lookup_typed_request_property : request -> string -> Cudf_types.typed_value
val lookup_typed_preamble_property : preamble -> string -> Cudf_types.typed_value
val lookup_package_typedecl : ?extra:Cudf_types.typedecl -> string -> Cudf_types.typedecl1
val version_matches : Cudf_types.version -> Cudf_types.constr -> bool

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