package ctypes

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Combinators for binding to C libraries without writing any C


Dune Dependency






ctypes is a library for binding to C libraries using pure OCaml. The primary aim is to make writing C extensions as straightforward as possible.

The core of ctypes is a set of combinators for describing the structure of C types -- numeric types, arrays, pointers, structs, unions and functions. You can use these combinators to describe the types of the functions that you want to call, then bind directly to those functions -- all without writing or generating any C!

To install the optional ctypes.foreign interface (which uses libffi to provide dynamic access to foreign libraries), you will need to also install the ctypes-foreign optional dependency:

opam install ctypes ctypes-foreign

This will make the ctypes.foreign ocamlfind subpackage available.

Published: 28 Feb 2020

Dependencies (4)

  1. conf-pkg-config build
  2. ocamlfind build
  3. integers >= "0.3.0"
  4. ocaml >= "4.02.3" & < "5.2"

Dev Dependencies (4)

  1. conf-ncurses with-test
  2. ounit with-test
  3. ctypes-foreign with-test
  4. lwt with-test & >= "3.2.0"

  1. ahrocksdb
  2. arakoon >= "1.8.6" & < "1.8.12"
  3. argon2
  4. async_ssl >= "113.33.07" & < "v0.15.0"
  5. avroc
  6. bimage-unix
  7. binaryen_dsl
  8. bitgenerators
  9. bls12-381 < "0.4.1"
  10. bls12-381-unix < "0.4.2"
  11. cf
  12. checked_oint
  13. cmark
  14. cmarker
  15. ctypes-build
  16. ctypes-foreign = "0.18.0"
  17. ctypes-zarith
  18. ctypes_stubs_js
  19. directories
  20. dlm
  21. eigen >= "0.1.0"
  22. eris
  23. flock
  24. fsevents
  25. gccjit
  26. gdal >= "0.3.0"
  27. gobject-introspection
  28. gpiod
  29. gr
  30. hacl-star-raw < "0.4.0"
  31. hardcaml-llvmsim >= "0.3.0"
  32. hardcaml-vpi
  33. imguiml
  34. iocaml >= "0.4.3"
  35. iocaml-kernel >= "0.4.4"
  36. kqueue < "0.2.0"
  37. libdash < "0.3"
  38. libudev
  39. lilv
  40. llvm >= "3.7"
  41. lmdb < "1.0"
  42. lp-glpk
  43. lp-gurobi
  44. luv
  45. luv_unix
  46. lz4 >= "1.1.1"
  47. mariadb
  48. memcpy >= "0.2.1"
  49. memtrace_viewer < "v0.15.0"
  50. mmdb
  51. monocypher
  52. mpg123
  53. nanomsg
  54. nebula
  55. netlink >= "0.2.1"
  56. ocephes >= "0.8.2"
  57. opasswd >= "1.0.1"
  58. opencc < "transition"
  59. opencc0
  60. opencc1
  61. opencc1_1
  62. oplay
  63. orocksdb
  64. osbx < "1.1.1"
  65. osx-acl
  66. osx-attr >= "0.2.0"
  67. osx-cf >= "0.1.1"
  68. osx-fsevents >= "0.1.1"
  69. osx-membership
  70. osx-mount >= "0.1.1"
  71. osx-secure-transport
  72. osx-xattr >= "0.3.0"
  73. owl >= "0.9.0"
  74. pari
  75. pari-bindings
  76. pci
  77. pg_query
  78. pkcs11 < "0.9.0"
  79. pkcs11-driver
  80. pkcs11-rev
  81. portaudio_c_bindings
  82. portmidi
  83. posix-base
  84. posix-bindings
  85. posix-getopt
  86. posix-signal
  87. posix-socket
  88. posix-socket-unix
  89. posix-time2
  90. posix-types
  91. posix-uname
  92. ppx_cstubs >= "0.3.0"
  93. protocol-9p < "0.5.1"
  94. py
  95. qcstm >= "0.1.1"
  96. quickjs
  97. raygui
  98. raylib
  99. reed-solomon-erasure
  100. sanlock
  101. sarek >= "20210823"
  102. sattools
  103. sodium >= "0.2.0" & < "0.3.0" | >= "0.6.0"
  104. spin >= "0.8.0"
  105. spoc >= "20170724"
  106. srt
  107. sys-socket
  108. sys-socket-unix
  109. tensorflow
  110. tgls >= "0.8.3"
  111. torch < "v0.16.0"
  112. tsdl >= "0.8.1"
  113. tsdl-image
  114. tsdl-mixer
  115. tsdl-ttf
  116. unix-errno >= "0.4.1"
  117. unix-fcntl >= "0.3.3"
  118. unix-sys-resource
  119. unix-sys-stat
  120. unix-time
  121. unix-type-representations
  122. wasmer
  123. wasmtime
  124. xedbindings
  125. xxhash
  126. yaml
  127. yara
  128. yices2_bindings
  129. zstandard < "v0.15.0"
  130. zstd >= "0.2"

Innovation. Community. Security.