package cryptokit

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
class type transform = object ... end
val transform_string : transform -> string -> string
val transform_channel : transform -> ?len:int -> Pervasives.in_channel -> Pervasives.out_channel -> unit
val compose : transform -> transform -> transform
class type hash = object ... end
val hash_string : hash -> string -> string
val hash_channel : hash -> ?len:int -> Pervasives.in_channel -> string
module Random : sig ... end
module Padding : sig ... end
module Cipher : sig ... end
module Hash : sig ... end
module MAC : sig ... end
module RSA : sig ... end
module DH : sig ... end
module Block : sig ... end
module Stream : sig ... end
module Base64 : sig ... end
module Hexa : sig ... end
module Zlib : sig ... end
type error =
  1. | Wrong_key_size
  2. | Wrong_IV_size
  3. | Wrong_data_length
  4. | Bad_padding
  5. | Output_buffer_overflow
  6. | Incompatible_block_size
  7. | Number_too_long
  8. | Seed_too_short
  9. | Message_too_long
  10. | Bad_encoding
  11. | Compression_error of string * string
  12. | No_entropy_source
  13. | Entropy_source_closed
  14. | Compression_not_supported
exception Error of error
val wipe_string : string -> unit
val xor_string : string -> int -> string -> int -> int -> unit
val mod_power : string -> string -> string -> string
val mod_mult : string -> string -> string -> string

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