package craml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
A CRAM-testing framework for testing command line applications


Dune Dependency






CRAM is a is functional testing framework for command line applications. craml is freely inspired by the Python tool, which was itself based on Mercurial's unified test format.

craml is released as a single binary (called craml) and supports the following syntax:

  • Lines beginning with two spaces, a dollar sign, and a space are commands and will be run in the shell.
  • Multi-lines commands end by \ and continue with two spaces and a > sign on the next line:
    $ <line1> \
    > <line2> \
    > <line3>
  • Lines beginning with two spaces are considered command output.
  • Command outputs can contains ellipsis: .... These will match any possible outputs (on zero, one or multiple lines).
  • Lines starting by <-- are command pre-conditions; they will determine the conditions where the command is run. Currently, only non-deterministic modes are supported as pre-conditions (see below).
  • Lines starting by --> are command post-conditions. Currently, only exit codes are supported as post-conditions (see below).
  • Anything else is a comment. It is not possible to put comments in the middle of an output as it is not clear what should be done to them when the output changes.

To run the tests described in a <file>, use craml <file>. This will run all the commands in sequence and will generated <file>.corrected if one of the output do not match the expected command outputs.

Non-deterministic Outputs

craml supports non-deterministic outputs:

<-- non-deterministic
  $ <command>

In that case, craml <file> will run the command but will not generate <file>.corrected if the new output differs from the one described in the file. Use craml --non-deterministic <file> to come back to the default behaviour.

Non-deterministic Commands

craml supports non-deterministic outputs:

<-- non-deterministic [skip]
  $ <command>

Published: 06 Jul 2018


craml: A CRAM-testing framework for testing shell scripts

CRAM is a is functional testing framework for command line applications. craml is freely inspired by the Python tool, which was itself based on Mercurial's unified test format.

craml is released as a single binary (called craml) and supports the following syntax:

  • Lines beginning with two spaces, a dollar sign, and a space are commands and will be run in the shell.

  • Multi-lines commands end by \ and continue with two spaces and a > sign on the next line:

    $ <line1> \
    > <line2> \
    > <line3>
  • Lines beginning with two spaces are considered command output.

  • Command outputs can contains ellipsis: .... These will match any possible outputs (on zero, one or multiple lines).

  • Lines starting by <-- are command pre-conditions; they will determine the conditions where the command is run. Currently, only non-deterministic modes are supported as pre-conditions (see below).

  • Lines starting by --> are command post-conditions. Currently, only exit codes are supported as post-conditions (see below).

  • Anything else is a comment. It is not possible to put comments in the middle of an output as it is not clear what should be done to them when the output changes.

To run the tests described in a <file>, use craml <file>. This will run all the commands in sequence and will generated <file>.corrected if one of the output do not match the expected command outputs.

Non-deterministic Outputs

craml supports non-deterministic outputs:

<-- non-deterministic
  $ <command>

In that case, craml <file> will run the command but will not generate <file>.corrected if the new output differs from the one described in the file. Use craml --non-deterministic <file> to come back to the default behaviour.

Non-deterministic Commands

craml supports non-deterministic outputs:

<-- non-deterministic [skip]
  $ <command>

In that case, craml <file> will not run the command. Use craml --non-deterministic <file> to come back to the default behaviour.

Exit Codes

craml tests exit codes:

  $ <command>
--> exit 10

If <command> does not exit with code 10, then craml <file> will generate <file>.corrected with the right exit code. Note that @@ exit 0 will not be displayed.

Dependencies (6)

  1. cmdliner
  2. logs
  3. astring
  4. fmt >= "0.8.5"
  5. jbuilder >= "1.0+beta7"
  6. ocaml

Dev Dependencies


Used by (2)

  1. labrys
  2. malfunction < "0.5"




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