Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
val tempfiles : string list ref
val initial_file_size : int ref
val empty : Pdf.t
val emptypage : Pdfpage.t
val pdfread_pdf_of_input :
?revision:int ->
string option ->
string option ->
Pdfio.input ->
val pdfread_pdf_of_channel_lazy :
?revision:int ->
?source:string ->
string option ->
string option ->
in_channel ->
val pdfread_pdf_of_file :
?revision:int ->
string option ->
string option ->
string ->
val stay_on_error : bool ref
val parse_pagespec : Pdf.t -> string -> int list
type op =
| CopyFont of string
| CSP1
| CSP2 of float
| CSP3
| CountPages
| Version
| Encrypt
| Decrypt
| StampOn of string
| StampUnder of string
| CombinePages of string
| TwoUp
| TwoUpStack
| RemoveBookmarks
| AddBookmarks of string
| AddText of string
| AddRectangle
| RemoveText
| Draft
| PadBefore
| PadAfter
| PadEvery of int
| PadMultiple of int
| PadMultipleBefore of int
| Shift
| Scale
| ScaleToFit
| ScaleContents of float
| AttachFile of string list
| RemoveAttachedFiles
| ListAttachedFiles
| DumpAttachedFiles
| RemoveAnnotations
| ListAnnotations
| ListAnnotationsMore
| CopyAnnotations of string
| Merge
| Split
| SplitOnBookmarks of int
| Clean
| Info
| PageInfo
| Metadata
| SetMetadata of string
| RemoveMetadata
| Fonts
| RemoveFonts
| Compress
| Decompress
| Crop
| Trim
| Bleed
| Art
| RemoveCrop
| RemoveArt
| RemoveTrim
| RemoveBleed
| CopyCropBoxToMediaBox
| CopyBox
| MediaBox
| HardBox of string
| Rotate of int
| Rotateby of int
| RotateContents of float
| Upright
| VFlip
| HFlip
| ThinLines of float
| SetAuthor of string
| SetTitle of string
| SetSubject of string
| SetKeywords of string
| SetCreate of string
| SetModify of string
| SetCreator of string
| SetProducer of string
| SetTrapped
| SetUntrapped
| SetVersion of int
| ListBookmarks
| SetPageLayout of string
| SetPageMode of string
| HideToolbar of bool
| HideMenubar of bool
| HideWindowUI of bool
| FitWindow of bool
| CenterWindow of bool
| DisplayDocTitle of bool
| Presentation
| ChangeId
| RemoveId
| CopyId of string
| BlackText
| BlackLines
| BlackFills
| ExtractImages
| ImageResolution of float
| MissingFonts
| RemoveUnusedResources
| ExtractFontFile
| ExtractText
| OpenAtPage of int
| OpenAtPageFit of int
| AddPageLabels
| RemovePageLabels
| PrintPageLabels
| Revisions
| RemoveDictEntry of string
| ListSpotColours
| RemoveClipping
| SetMetadataDate of string
| CreateMetadata
| EmbedMissingFonts
| BookmarksOpenToLevel of int
| CreatePDF
| RemoveAllText
| ShowBoxes
| TrimMarks
val string_of_op : op -> string
val string_of_input_kind : input_kind -> string
type input = input_kind * string * string * string * bool ref * int option
type args = {
mutable op : op option;
mutable preserve_objstm : bool;
mutable create_objstm : bool;
mutable out : output_method;
mutable inputs : input list;
mutable chunksize : int;
mutable linearize : bool;
mutable keeplinearize : bool;
mutable rectangle : string;
mutable coord : string;
mutable duration : float option;
mutable transition : string option;
mutable horizontal : bool;
mutable inward : bool;
mutable direction : int;
mutable effect_duration : float;
mutable font : font;
mutable fontname : string;
mutable fontsize : float;
mutable color : float * float * float;
mutable opacity : float;
mutable position : Cpdf.position;
mutable underneath : bool;
mutable linespacing : float;
mutable midline : bool;
mutable topline : bool;
mutable justification : Cpdf.justification;
mutable bates : int;
mutable batespad : int option;
mutable prerotate : bool;
mutable orientation : Cpdf.orientation;
mutable relative_to_cropbox : bool;
mutable keepversion : bool;
mutable bycolumns : bool;
mutable pagerotation : int;
mutable crypt_method : string;
mutable owner : string;
mutable user : string;
mutable no_edit : bool;
mutable no_print : bool;
mutable no_copy : bool;
mutable no_annot : bool;
mutable no_forms : bool;
mutable no_extract : bool;
mutable no_assemble : bool;
mutable no_hq_print : bool;
mutable debug : bool;
mutable debugcrypt : bool;
mutable debugforce : bool;
mutable boxes : bool;
mutable encrypt_metadata : bool;
mutable retain_numbering : bool;
mutable remove_duplicate_fonts : bool;
mutable remove_duplicate_streams : bool;
mutable encoding : Cpdf.encoding;
mutable scale : float;
mutable copyfontpage : int;
mutable copyfontname : string option;
mutable fast : bool;
mutable dashrange : string;
mutable outline : bool;
mutable linewidth : float;
mutable path_to_ghostscript : string;
mutable frombox : string option;
mutable tobox : string option;
mutable mediabox_if_missing : bool;
mutable topage : string option;
mutable scale_stamp_to_fit : bool;
mutable keep_this_id : string option;
mutable makenewid : bool;
mutable labelstyle : Pdfpagelabels.labelstyle;
mutable labelprefix : string option;
mutable labelstartval : int;
mutable squeeze : bool;
mutable original_filename : string;
mutable was_encrypted : bool;
mutable cpdflin : string option;
mutable recrypt : bool;
mutable was_decrypted_with_owner : bool;
mutable creator : string option;
mutable producer : string option;
mutable embedfonts : bool;
mutable extract_text_font_size : float option;
mutable padwith : string option;
mutable alsosetxml : bool;
mutable justsetxml : bool;
mutable gs_malformed : bool;
mutable gs_quiet : bool;
mutable merge_add_bookmarks : bool;
mutable merge_add_bookmarks_use_titles : bool;
mutable createpdf_pages : int;
mutable createpdf_pagesize : Pdfpaper.t;
mutable removeonly : string option;
val args : args
val string_of_permission : Pdfcrypt.permission -> string
val getpermissions : Pdf.t -> string
val banlist_of_args : unit -> Pdfcrypt.permission list
val banned : Pdfcrypt.permission list -> op -> bool
val operation_allowed : Pdf.t -> Pdfcrypt.permission list -> op option -> bool
val output_page_count : Pdf.t -> unit
val detect_duplicate_op : op -> unit
val setop : op -> unit -> unit
val encrypt_to_collect : int ref
val points_of_papersize : Pdfpaper.t -> float * float
val cropbox : Pdf.t -> Pdfpage.t -> Pdf.pdfobject
val width : Pdf.pdfobject -> float
val height : Pdf.pdfobject -> float
val minx : Pdf.pdfobject -> float
val miny : Pdf.pdfobject -> float
val maxx : Pdf.pdfobject -> float
val maxy : Pdf.pdfobject -> float
val find_page_width : 'a -> Pdfpage.t -> float
val find_page_height : 'a -> Pdfpage.t -> float
val find_page_minx : 'a -> Pdfpage.t -> float
val find_page_miny : 'a -> Pdfpage.t -> float
val find_page_maxx : 'a -> Pdfpage.t -> float
val find_page_maxy : 'a -> Pdfpage.t -> float
val find_page_characteristic : Pdf.t -> Pdfpage.t -> Pdfgenlex.t -> float
val make_num : Pdf.t -> Pdfpage.t -> Pdfgenlex.t -> Pdfgenlex.t -> float
val update_last_number :
Pdf.t ->
Pdfpage.t ->
Pdfgenlex.t ->
Pdfgenlex.t ->
Pdfgenlex.t ->
float list ->
float list
val parse_units_again :
Pdf.t ->
Pdfpage.t ->
float list ->
Pdfpaper.t ->
Pdfgenlex.t list ->
float list
val parse_units :
Pdf.t ->
Pdfpage.t ->
float list ->
Pdfgenlex.t list ->
float list
val parse_rectangle : Pdf.t -> string -> float * float * float * float
val parse_rectangles : Pdf.t -> string -> (float * float * float * float) list
val parse_coordinate : Pdf.t -> string -> float * float
val parse_coordinates : Pdf.t -> string -> (float * float) list
val parse_single_number : Pdf.t -> string -> float
val setencoding : Cpdf.encoding -> unit -> unit
val control_args : string list ref
val logto : string option ref
val specs : (string * Arg.spec * string) list
exception StdInBytes of Pdfio.bytes
val pdf_of_stdin : ?revision:int -> string -> string -> Pdf.t
val get_single_pdf_nodecrypt : bool -> Pdf.t
val get_pdf_from_input_kind :
?read_lazy:bool ->
?decrypt:bool ->
?fail:bool ->
(input_kind * 'a * string * string * bool ref * int option) ->
op option ->
input_kind ->
val set_producer : string -> Pdf.t -> unit
val set_creator : string -> Pdf.t -> unit
val really_write_pdf :
?encryption:Pdfwrite.encryption option ->
?is_decompress:bool ->
bool ->
Pdf.t ->
string ->
val write_pdf :
?encryption:Pdfwrite.encryption option ->
?is_decompress:bool ->
bool ->
Pdf.t ->
val get_bookmark_name : Pdf.t -> Pdfmarks.t list -> int -> int -> 'a -> string
val process_others :
Pdfmarks.t list ->
Pdf.t ->
int ->
string ->
int ->
int ->
int ->
string ->
val name_of_spec :
Pdfmarks.t list ->
Pdf.t ->
int ->
string ->
int ->
string ->
int ->
int ->
val fast_write_split_pdfs :
Pdfwrite.encryption option ->
int ->
string ->
bool ->
(Pdf.t -> Pdf.t) ->
string ->
Pdf.t ->
int list list ->
'a ->
val bookmark_pages : int -> Pdf.t -> int list
val split_at_bookmarks :
Pdfwrite.encryption option ->
string ->
squeeze:bool ->
(Pdf.t -> Pdf.t) ->
int ->
string ->
Pdf.t ->
val split_pdf :
Pdfwrite.encryption option ->
string ->
int ->
'a ->
cpdflin:'b ->
preserve_objstm:'c ->
create_objstm:'d ->
squeeze:bool ->
(Pdf.t -> Pdf.t) ->
string ->
Pdf.t ->
val pnm_to_channel_24 : out_channel -> int -> int -> Pdfio.bytes -> unit
val write_stream : string -> Pdfio.bytes -> unit
val write_image : Pdf.t -> Pdf.pdfobject -> string -> Pdf.pdfobject -> unit
val extract_images : Pdf.t -> int list -> string -> unit
val getencryption : Pdf.t -> string
type xobj =
| Image of int * int
| Form of Pdftransform.transform_matrix * Pdf.pdfobject * Pdf.pdfobject
val image_resolution : Pdf.t -> int list -> float -> unit
val is_missing : Pdf.t -> Pdf.pdfobject -> bool
val missing_font : Pdf.t -> int -> (string * Pdf.pdfobject) -> unit
val missing_fonts : Pdf.t -> int list -> unit
val lines_of_channel : in_channel -> string list
val calculate_margins : string -> Pdf.t -> int list -> unit
val remove_fontdescriptor : Pdf.t -> Pdf.pdfobject -> Pdf.pdfobject
val dump_attachment : string -> Pdf.t -> ('a * Pdf.pdfobject) -> unit
val dump_attached_document : Pdf.t -> string -> unit
val dump_attached_files : Pdf.t -> string -> unit
val extract_fontfile : int -> string -> Pdf.t -> unit
val addrectangle :
bool ->
(float * float) ->
(float * float * float) ->
bool ->
float ->
float ->
Cpdf.position ->
bool ->
bool ->
int list ->
Pdf.t ->
val list_spot_colours : Pdf.t -> unit
val remove_clipping_ops :
Pdf.t ->
Pdf.pdfobject ->
Pdf.pdfobject list ->
Pdf.pdfobject list
val create_pdf : 'a -> 'b -> Pdf.t
val remove_all_text_ops :
Pdf.t ->
Pdf.pdfobject ->
Pdf.pdfobject list ->
Pdf.pdfobject list
val line : (float * float * float * float) -> Pdfops.t list
val parse_argv :
unit ->
string array ->
(Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) list ->
Arg.anon_fun ->
Arg.usage_msg ->