package corosync

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type name_format =
  1. | AddressFormatName
  2. | AddressFormatIP
module ViewList : sig ... end
val is_quorate : unit -> (bool, Corosync_lib.Corotypes.CsError.t) Stdlib.result

is_quorate () returns whether the current cluster is quorate

val using_votequorum : unit -> bool

using_votequorum () returns whether votequorum is used in the current cluster

val votequorum_info : int -> (Corosync_lib.Votequorum.vinfo, Corosync_lib.Corotypes.CsError.t) Stdlib.result

votequorum_info nodeid returns the votequoruminfo for the node with nodeid

val my_votequorum_info : unit -> (Corosync_lib.Votequorum.vinfo, Corosync_lib.Corotypes.CsError.t) Stdlib.result

my_votequorum_info () returns the votequoruminfo for the node on which this function is called

val quorum_members : name_format -> (ViewList.view_list_entry list, Corosync_lib.Corotypes.CsError.t) Stdlib.result

quorum_members format returns the members and their information in the current quorum as a list. The format can either be an ip address or the host name.


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