package core_extended

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

role assignment for systems with a primary and backup instances that switch roles daily for ease of deploying new versions.

module Appendable_list : sig ... end

A polymorphic data structure parametrized by 'a to represent lists of elements of 'a while supporting constant time append operations.

module Appendable_list_unit_tests : sig ... end
module Atomic_edit : sig ... end

Atomically edit a file without long-term locking

module Bin_io_utils : sig ... end
module Bitarray : sig ... end

This module implements efficient and compact arrays of boolean values. It stores its values in the bits of an integer, using multiple integers to allow for arrays larger than the machine word size. All operations are on immediates (no caml_modify), and are quite simple. Hence this data structure should be more efficient than an array of bools.

module Cache : sig ... end

Generic caching library

module Color_print : sig ... end
module Csv_writer : sig ... end

* Compliant simple CSV writter. * * This library is designed to deal with proper CSV (no quotes allowed in the * middle of the fields...). It is fast and flexible: by splitting most * writing functions in two parts one that gives the length of the string to * write and another that writes the result in a subpart of another string we * avoid unnecessary string creations.

module Deprecated_bench : sig ... end

Simple example:

module Deprecated_command : sig ... end

DEPRECATED: use Core.Command instead

module Deprecated_fcommand : sig ... end

This module is a wrapper around Command that allows you to do away with accumulators. Here's an example:

module Deprecated_service_command : sig ... end
module Documented_match_statement : sig ... end

A t represents a match statement where every case is documented. You can then use it in one way to extract documentation, and in another way as the underlying function.

module English : sig ... end

Translating English into useful data structures

module Environment : sig ... end
module Exception_check : sig ... end

Code to test the effect of exceptions happening in strategic places in daemons.

module Extended_array : sig ... end
module Extended_common : sig ... end

Pervasive functions.

module Extended_exn : sig ... end

Extensions to Core.Exn.

module Extended_filename : sig ... end

Extensions to Core.Core_filename.

module Extended_float : sig ... end

Extensions to Core.Float.

module Extended_gc : sig ... end

Extensions to Core.Gc.

module Extended_hashtbl : sig ... end
module Extended_int : sig ... end
module Extended_int32 : sig ... end
module Extended_int63 : sig ... end

Extensions to Core.Core_int63

module Extended_int64 : sig ... end

Extensions to Core.Core_int64

module Extended_linux : sig ... end
module Extended_list : sig ... end

Extensions to Core.List.

module Extended_memo : sig ... end

Extensio to Core.Memo

module Extended_monad : sig ... end
module Extended_nativeint : sig ... end
module Extended_option : sig ... end
module Extended_result : sig ... end
module Extended_sexp : sig ... end
module Extended_string : sig ... end

Extensions to Core.Core_String.

module Extended_sys : sig ... end

Utility functions concerning the OCaml-runtime

module Extended_thread : sig ... end
module Extended_time : sig ... end
module Extended_unix : sig ... end
module Extra_fields : sig ... end
module Fd_leak_check : sig ... end

File descriptor leak check.

module Find : sig ... end

Unix like find.

module Flang : sig ... end

The language of terms over floats.

module Float_ref : sig ... end
module Fold_map : sig ... end

A map that folds in new values.

module Generic : sig ... end
module Hashtbl2 : sig ... end
module Hashtbl2_pair : sig ... end
module Interval_map : sig ... end
module Interval_map_intf : sig ... end
module Invariant : sig ... end
module Invocation : sig ... end
module Lazy_list : sig ... end

Lazy lists.

module Lazy_m : sig ... end

Lazy values reimplementation.

module Lazy_sequence : sig ... end
module Left_boundary : sig ... end
module Linebuf : sig ... end

Line-by-line reading of a file. A line buffer allows one to read one line of a file at a time, blocking until a line is available. Line buffers are distinct from Pervasives.read_line in that they "notice" new data arriving in the file more quickly.

module List_zipper : sig ... end
module Logger : sig ... end
module Low_level_debug : sig ... end
module Malloc : sig ... end

Malloc bindings

module Multi_map : sig ... end
module Net_utils : sig ... end

Networking utilities

module Number : sig ... end
module Olang : sig ... end

The language of predicates over an ordered set.

module Packed_array : sig ... end
module Packed_map : sig ... end
module Posix_clock : sig ... end
module Pp : sig ... end

Functional pretty printing.

module Printc : sig ... end
module Process : sig ... end

Low-level process handling

module Procfs : sig ... end

Process and system stats

module Prod_or_test : sig ... end
module Quickcheck_deprecated : sig ... end
module Random_selection : sig ... end

reservoir sampling

module Readline : sig ... end

Interactive line editing.

module Runtime_blockout_detector : sig ... end
module Rw_mutex : sig ... end

Read/write mutexes

module Sampler : sig ... end
module Search_foo : sig ... end
module Semaphore : sig ... end


module Sendmail : sig ... end
module Service_command : sig ... end
module Set_lang : sig ... end
module Set_lang_intf : sig ... end
module Shell : sig ... end
module Sntp : sig ... end

Simple Network Time Protocol

module Std : sig ... end
module String_zipper : sig ... end
module Sys_utils : sig ... end

Various system utility functions.

module Tcp : sig ... end

with_conn opens a connection to the TCP service on host port and if successful calls f with In_channel.t and Out_channel.t as arguments. The return value of f will be returned by with_conn.

module Timed_function : sig ... end
module Unix_pseudo_terminal : sig ... end
module Unix_utils : sig ... end

Interface to Unix utility functions

module Update_queue : sig ... end

A 'state t keeps track of updates of type 'state -> 'state queued to it and runs them sequentially.


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