package core_extended

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t = {
  1. mem_total : bigint;
  2. mem_free : bigint;
  3. buffers : bigint;
  4. cached : bigint;
  5. swap_cached : bigint;
  6. active : bigint;
  7. inactive : bigint;
  8. swap_total : bigint;
  9. swap_free : bigint;
  10. dirty : bigint;
  11. writeback : bigint;
  12. anon_pages : bigint;
  13. mapped : bigint;
  14. slab : bigint;
  15. page_tables : bigint;
  16. nfs_unstable : bigint;
  17. bounce : bigint;
  18. commit_limit : bigint;
  19. committed_as : bigint;
  20. vmalloc_total : bigint;
  21. vmalloc_used : bigint;
  22. vmalloc_chunk : bigint;
  23. mem_available : bigint Core.sexp_option;

t corresponds to the values in /proc/meminfo. All values in bytes.

val vmalloc_chunk : t -> bigint
val vmalloc_used : t -> bigint
val vmalloc_total : t -> bigint
val committed_as : t -> bigint
val commit_limit : t -> bigint
val bounce : t -> bigint
val nfs_unstable : t -> bigint
val page_tables : t -> bigint
val slab : t -> bigint
val mapped : t -> bigint
val anon_pages : t -> bigint
val writeback : t -> bigint
val dirty : t -> bigint
val swap_free : t -> bigint
val swap_total : t -> bigint
val inactive : t -> bigint
val active : t -> bigint
val swap_cached : t -> bigint
val cached : t -> bigint
val buffers : t -> bigint
val mem_free : t -> bigint
val mem_total : t -> bigint
module Fields : sig ... end
val t_of_sexp : Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t -> t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
val mem_available : t -> bigint

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