package core_extended

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Signature of standard numbers (Int.t, Int32.t, Int63.t Int64.t, Nativeint.t, Float.t) to enrich them with Pos.t, Pos0.t, Neg.t, and Neg0.t modules, and the Make_bounded and Make_bounded_unsafe functors.

type repr
module type S = S with type repr = repr


module type S0 = S0 with type repr = repr
module Pos : S with type t = private repr

Positive and negative numbers with and without zero.

module Pos0 : S0 with type t = private repr
module Neg : S with type t = private repr
module Neg0 : S0 with type t = private repr
module type Bounded_spec = sig ... end

Specification of bounded numbers

module type Bounded = sig ... end

Signature of bounded numbers

module Make_bounded (Spec : Bounded_spec) : Bounded with type t = private repr

Functor of creating bounded numbers

Unsafe modules and functors that still fully expose the representation for extensibility.

module Pos_unsafe : S with type t = repr
module Pos0_unsafe : S0 with type t = repr
module Neg_unsafe : S with type t = repr
module Neg0_unsafe : S0 with type t = repr

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