package core_bench

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A module internal to Core_bench. Please look at Bench.

Many of the default settings are here.

module Ascii_table = Textutils.Ascii_table
val columns_as_string : string list
val command_columns : Bench_command_column.t Core.List.t
val columns : [> `Name ] list
val geometric_scale : float
val stabilize_gc_between_runs : bool
val no_compactions : bool
val time_quota_float : float
val time_quota : Core.Time.Span.t
val save_sample_data : bool
val limit_width_to : int
val fork_each_benchmark : bool
val bootstrap_trials : int
val boostrap_reduced_trials : int
val predictors : [> `Runs ] list
val predictors_string : string
val display_as_string : string
val string_to_display : string -> Textutils__Ascii_table.Display.t
val display : Textutils__Ascii_table.Display.t