package coq
type annot_sw = {
asw_ind : Names.inductive;
asw_ci : Term.case_info;
asw_reloc : reloc_table;
asw_finite : bool;
asw_prefix : string;
val hash_annot_sw : annot_sw -> int
type atom =
| Arel of int
| Aconstant of Term.pconstant
| Aind of Term.pinductive
| Asort of Term.sorts
| Avar of Names.identifier
| Acase of annot_sw * accumulator * t * t -> t
| Afix of t array * t array * rec_pos * int
| Acofix of t array * t array * int * t
| Acofixe of t array * t array * int * t
| Aprod of * t * t -> t
| Ameta of Term.metavariable * t
| Aevar of Term.existential * t
| Aproj of Names.constant * accumulator
val mk_rel_accu : int -> t
val mk_rels_accu : int -> int -> t array
val mk_constant_accu : Names.constant -> Univ.Level.t array -> t
val mk_ind_accu : Names.inductive -> Univ.Level.t array -> t
val mk_sort_accu : Term.sorts -> Univ.Level.t array -> t
val mk_var_accu : Names.identifier -> t
val mk_sw_accu : annot_sw -> accumulator -> t -> t -> t
val mk_prod_accu : -> t -> t -> t
val mk_meta_accu : Term.metavariable -> t
val mk_evar_accu : Term.existential -> t -> t
val mk_proj_accu : Names.constant -> accumulator -> t
val mk_bool : bool -> t
val mk_int : int -> t
val dummy_value : unit -> t
val atom_of_accu : accumulator -> atom
val args_of_accu : accumulator -> t list
val accu_nargs : accumulator -> int
val cast_accu : t -> accumulator
val block_size : block -> int
val block_tag : block -> int
val kind_of_value : t -> kind_of_value
val is_accu : t -> bool
val val_to_int : t -> int
val is_int : t -> bool
val mk_I31_accu : t
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"