package coq

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type pattern_matching_error =
  1. | BadPattern of Names.constructor * EConstr.constr
  2. | BadConstructor of Names.constructor * Names.inductive
  3. | WrongNumargConstructor of Names.constructor * int
  4. | WrongNumargInductive of Names.inductive * int
  5. | UnusedClause of Glob_term.cases_pattern list
  6. | NonExhaustive of Glob_term.cases_pattern list
  7. | CannotInferPredicate of (EConstr.constr * EConstr.types) array
exception PatternMatchingError of Environ.env * Evd.evar_map * pattern_matching_error
val error_wrong_numarg_constructor : ?loc:Loc.t -> Environ.env -> Names.constructor -> int -> 'a
val error_wrong_numarg_inductive : ?loc:Loc.t -> Environ.env -> Names.inductive -> int -> 'a
val irrefutable : Environ.env -> Glob_term.cases_pattern -> bool
type !'a rhs = {
  1. rhs_env : Environ.env;
  2. rhs_vars : Names.Id.t list;
  3. avoid_ids : Names.Id.t list;
  4. it : 'a option;
type !'a equation = {
  1. patterns : Glob_term.cases_pattern list;
  2. rhs : 'a rhs;
  3. alias_stack : Names.Name.t list;
  4. eqn_loc : Loc.t option;
  5. used : bool ref;
type !'a matrix = 'a equation list
type tomatch_type =
  1. | IsInd of EConstr.types * Inductiveops.inductive_type * Names.Name.t list
  2. | NotInd of EConstr.constr option * EConstr.types
type tomatch_status =
  1. | Pushed of bool * ((EConstr.constr * tomatch_type) * int list * Names.Name.t)
  2. | Alias of bool * (Names.Name.t * EConstr.constr * (EConstr.constr * EConstr.types))
  3. | NonDepAlias
  4. | Abstract of int * EConstr.rel_declaration
type tomatch_stack = tomatch_status list
type pattern_history =
  1. | Top
  2. | MakeConstructor of Names.constructor * pattern_continuation
and pattern_continuation =
  1. | Continuation of int * Glob_term.cases_pattern list * pattern_history
  2. | Result of Glob_term.cases_pattern list
type !'a pattern_matching_problem = {
  1. env : Environ.env;
  2. lvar : Glob_term.ltac_var_map;
  3. evdref : Evd.evar_map ref;
  4. pred : EConstr.constr;
  5. tomatch : tomatch_stack;
  6. history : pattern_continuation;
  7. mat : 'a matrix;
  8. caseloc : Loc.t option;
  9. casestyle : Term.case_style;
  10. typing_function : Evarutil.type_constraint -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map ref -> 'a option -> EConstr.unsafe_judgment;

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