The SerAPI Protocol
SerAPI is a set of utilities designed to help users and tool creators to interact with Coq in a systematic way; in particular, SerAPI was designed to provide full serialization and de-serialization of key Coq structures, including user-level AST and kernel terms.
SerAPI also provides a reification of Coq's document building API, making it pretty easy to build and check systematically Coq documents.
As of today SerAPI does provide the following components:
: A library providing serializers for core Coq structures; the main serialization format is S-expressions, as serlib
is based on the excellent ppx_sexp_conv from Jane Street. Support for JSON is currently under development.sertop
: A toplevel executable exposing a simple document building and querying protocol. This is the main component, we document it properly below.sercomp
: A simple compiler utility for .v files that can input and output Coq files in a variety of formats. See its manual for more help.serload
SerAPI was a JsCoq offspring project; JsCoq added experimental serialization of Coq terms, however we quickly realized that this facility would be helpful in the general setting; we also took advantage of the serialization facilities to specify the Coq building API as a DSL; the client for the tool was an experimental Emacs mode by Clément Pit-Claudel.
The next step was to provide reliable "round-trip" (de)serialization of full Coq documents; Karl Palmskog contributed the round trip testing infrastructure to make this happen.
SerAPI is a bit of a swiss army knife, in the sense that it is a general "talk to Coq" tool and can do many things; a good way to understand the tool is look at some of its users, see the list of them in the Project's README
Basic Overview of the Protocol:
SerAPI protocol can be divided in two main sets of operations: document creation and checking, and document querying.
Note that the protocol is fully specified as a DSL written in OCaml; thus, its canonical specification can be found below as documents to the OCaml code. In this section, we attempt a brief introduction, but the advanced user will without doubt want to look at the details just below.
Document creation and checking:
Before you can use SerAPI to extract any information about a Coq document, you must indeed have Coq parse and process the document. Coq's parsing process is quite complicated due to user-extensibility, but SerAPI tries to smooth the experience as much as possible.
A Coq document is basically a list of sentences which are uniquely identified by a Stateid.t
object; for our purposes this identifier is an integer.
Note: In future versions, sentence id will be deprecated, and instead we will use Language Server Protocol-style locations inside the document to identify sentences.
Each sentence has a "parent", that is to say, a previous sentence; the initial sentence has as a parent sid = 1
= sentence id).
Note that the parent is important for parsing as it may modify the parsing itself, for example it may be a Notation
Thus, to build or append to a Coq document, you should select a parent sentence and ask SerAPI to add some new ones. This is achieved with the (Add (opts) "text")
See below for a detailed overview of Add
, but the basic idea is that Coq will parse and add to the current document as many sentences as you have sent to it. Unfortunately, sentence number for the newly added ones is not always predictable but there are workarounds for that.
If succesfull, Add
will send back an Added
message with the location and new sentence identifier. This is useful to let SerAPI do the splitting of sentences for you. A typical use thus is:
(Add () "Lemma addnC n : n + 0 = n. Proof. now induction n. Qed.")
This will return 4 answers.
Sentence Checking
Adding a set of sentences basically amounts to parsing, however in most cases Coq won't try to typecheck or run the tactics at hand. For that purpose you can use the (Exec sid)
command. Taking a sentence id, Check
will actually check sid
and all the sentences sid
depends upon.
Note that in some modes Coq can skip proofs here, so in order to get a fully-checked document you may have to issue Check
for every sentence on it. Checking a sentence twice is usually a noop.
Modification of the Document
In order to modify a "live" document, SerAPI does provide a (Cancel sid)
command. Cancel
will take a sentence id and return the list of sentences that are not valid anymore.
Thus, you can edit a document by cancelling and re-adding sentences.
Cancelling a non-executed part is poorly supported by the underlying Coq checking algorithm. In particular, Cancel
will force execution up to the previous sentence; thus it is not possible to parse a list of sentences and then replace them without incurring in the cost of executing them. In particular, it could be even the case that after issuing Cancel sid
, there is an error in the execution of an unrelated sentence. It should be possible to identify this sentence using the exception attributes. As of today, this remains a hard-limitation of the STM.
Querying documents:
For a particular point on the document, you can query Coq for information about it. Common query use cases are for example lists of tactics, AST, completion, etc... Querying is done using the (Query (opts) query)
command. The full specification can be found below.
A particulary of Query
is that the caller must set all the pertinent output options. For example, if the query should return for-humans data or machine-readable one.
Non-interactive use
In many cases, non-interactive use is very convenient; for that, we recommend you read the help of the `sercomp` compiler.
Protocol Specification
Basic Protocol Objects
SerAPI can return different kinds of objects as an answer to queries; object type is usually distinguished by a tag, for example (CoqString "foo")
or (CoqConstr (App ...)
Serialization representation is derived from the OCaml representation automatically, thus the best is to use Merlin or some OCaml-browsing tool as to know the internal of each type; we provide a brief description of each object:
type coq_object =
| CoqString of string
| CoqSList of string list
| CoqPp of Pp.t
A Coq "Pretty Printing" Document type, main type used by Coq to submit formatted output
| CoqLoc of Loc.t
A Coq Location object, used for positions inside the document.
| CoqTok of Tok.t CAst.t list
Coq Tokens, as produced by the lexer
| CoqAst of Vernacexpr.vernac_control
Coq Abstract Syntax tress, as produced by the parser
| CoqOption of Goptions.option_name * Goptions.option_state
Coq Options, as in Set Resolution Depth
| CoqConstr of Constr.constr
Coq Kernel terms, this is the fundamental representation for terms of the Calculus of Inductive constructions
| CoqExpr of Constrexpr.constr_expr
Coq term ASTs, this is the user-level parsing tree of terms
| CoqMInd of Names.MutInd.t * Declarations.mutual_inductive_body
Coq kernel-level inductive; this is a low-level object that contains all the details of an inductive.
| CoqEnv of Environ.env
Coq kernel-level enviroments: they do provide the full information about what the kernel know, heavy.
| CoqTactic of Names.KerName.t * Ltac_plugin.Tacenv.ltac_entry
Representation of an Ltac tactic definition
| CoqLtac of Ltac_plugin.Tacexpr.raw_tactic_expr
AST of an LTAC tactic definition
| CoqGenArg of Genarg.raw_generic_argument
Coq Generic argument, can contain any type
| CoqQualId of Libnames.qualid
| CoqGlobRef of Names.GlobRef.t
"Global Reference", which is a type that can point to a module, a constant, a variable, a constructor...
| CoqGlobRefExt of Globnames.extended_global_reference
"Extended Global Reference", as they can contain syntactic definitions too
| CoqImplicit of Impargs.implicits_list
Implicit status for a constant
| CoqProfData of Ltac_plugin.Profile_ltac.treenode
| CoqNotation of Constrexpr.notation
Representation of a notation (usually a string)
| CoqUnparsing of Ppextend.unparsing_rule
* Ppextend.extra_unparsing_rules
* Notation_gram.notation_grammar
Rules for notation printing and some internals
| CoqGoal of Constr.t Serapi_goals.reified_goal Serapi_goals.ser_goals
Goals, with types and terms in Kernel-level representation
| CoqExtGoal of Constrexpr.constr_expr Serapi_goals.reified_goal
Goals, with types and terms in user-level, AST representation
| CoqProof of Goal.goal list
* (Goal.goal list * Goal.goal list) list
* Goal.goal list
* Goal.goal list
Proof object: really low-level and likely to be deprecated.
| CoqAssumptions of Serapi_assumptions.t
Structured representation of the assumptions of a constant.
Printing Options
Printing options, not all options are relevant for all printing backends
type print_opt = {
sid : Stateid.t;
denotes the sentence id we are querying over, essential information as goals for example will vary.
pp : format_opt;
Printing format of the query, this can be used to select the type of the answer, as for example to show goals in human-form.
Query Sub-Protocol
type query_pred =
| Prefix of string
Filter named objects based on the given prefix
Predicates on the queries. This is at the moment mostly a token functionality
type query_opt = {
preds : query_pred Sexplib.Conv.sexp_list;
List of predicates on queries, mostly a placeholder, will allow to add filtering conditions in the future
limit : int Sexplib.Conv.sexp_option;
Limit the number of results, should evolve into an API with resume functionality, maybe we adopt LSP conventions here
sid : Stateid.t;
denotes the sentence id we are querying over, essential information as goals for example will vary.
pp : format_opt;
Printing format of the query, this can be used to select the type of the answer, as for example to show goals in human-form.
route : Feedback.route_id;
Legacy/Deprecated STM query method
Query options, note the default values that help interactive use, however in mechanized use we do not recommend skipping any field
type query_cmd =
| Option
List of options Coq knows about
| Search
Query version of the Search
| Goals
Current goals, in kernel form
| EGoals
Current goals, in AST form
| Ast
Ast for the current sentence
| TypeOf of string
Type of an expression (unimplemented?)
| Names of string
(Names prefix)
will return the list of identifiers Coq knows that start with prefix
| Tactics of string
(Tactcis prefix)
will return the list of tactics Coq knows that start with prefix
| Locate of string
Query version of the Locate
| Implicits of string
Return information of implicits for a given constant
| Unparsing of string
Return internal information for a given notation
| Definition of string
Return the definition for a given global
| PNotations
Return a list of notations
| ProfileData
Return LTAC profile data, if any
| Proof
Return the proof object low-level
| Vernac of string
Execute an arbitrary Coq command in an isolated state.
| Env
Return the current enviroment
| Assumptions of string
Return the assumptions of a given global
| Complete of string
Naïve but efficient prefix-based completion of identifiers
Query commands are mostly a tag and some arguments determining the result type.
Important Note that Query
won't force execution of a particular state, thus for example if you do (Query ((sid 3)) Goals)
and the sentence 3
wasn't evaluated, then the query will return zero answers.
We would ideally evolve towards a true query language, likley having query_cmd
and coq_object
be typed such that query : 'a query -> 'a coq_object.
Control Sub-Protocol
Adding a new sentence
type parse_opt = {
ontop : Stateid.t Sexplib.Conv.sexp_option;
parse ontop
of the given sentence
type add_opts = {
lim : int Sexplib.Conv.sexp_option;
Parse lim
sentences at most (None
== no limit)
ontop : Stateid.t Sexplib.Conv.sexp_option;
parse ontop
of the given sentence
newtip : Stateid.t Sexplib.Conv.sexp_option;
Make newtip
the new sentence id, very useful to avoid synchronous operations
verb : bool;
internal Coq parameter, be verbose on parsing
will take a string and parse all the sentences on it, until an error of the end is found. Options for Add
Creating a new document
type newdoc_opts = {
top_name : Stm.interactive_top;
name of the top-level module of the new document
iload_path : Loadpath.coq_path list Sexplib.Conv.sexp_option;
Initial LoadPath for the document
require_libs : (string * string option * bool option) list
Libraries to load in the initial document state
Top Level Protocol
The top level protocol is the main input command to SerAPI, we detail each of the commands below.
The main interaction loop is as: 1. submit tagged command (tag (Cmd args))
2. receive tagged ack (Answer tag Ack)
3. receive tagged results, usually (Answer tag (ObjList ...)
or (Answer tag (CoqExn ...)
4. receive tagged completion event (Answer tag Completed)
The Ack
and Completed
events are always produced, and provide a kind of "bracking" for command execution.
type cmd =
| NewDoc of newdoc_opts
Create a new document, experimental, only usable when --no_init
was used.
| Add of add_opts * string
Add a set of sentences to the current document
| Cancel of Stateid.t list
Remove a set of sentences from the current document
| Exec of Stateid.t
Execute a particular sentence
| Query of query_opt * query_cmd
| Print of print_opt * coq_object
| Parse of parse_opt * string
| Join
Be sure that a document is consistent
| Finish
| ReadFile of string
| Tokenize of string
| Noop
| Help
| Quit
Each top level command will produce an answers, see below for answer description.
exception NoSuchState of Stateid.t
type answer_kind =
| Ack
The command was received, Coq is processing it.
| Completed
The command was completed.
| Added of Stateid.t * Loc.t * [ `NewTip | `Unfocus of Stateid.t ]
A sentence was added, with corresponding sentence id and location.
| Canceled of Stateid.t list
A set of sentences are not valid anymore.
| ObjList of coq_object list
Set of objects, usually the answer to a query
| CoqExn of ExnInfo.t
The command produced an error, optionally at a document location
Entry points to the DSL evaluator
exec_cmd cmd
execute SerAPI command
Each command and answer are tagged by a user-provided identifier
We introduce our own feedback type to overcome some limitations of Coq's Feedback, for now we only modify the Message data
type feedback_content =
| Processed
| Incomplete
| Complete
| ProcessingIn of string
| InProgress of int
| WorkerStatus of string * string
| AddedAxiom
| FileDependency of string option * string
| FileLoaded of string * string
| Message of {
level : Feedback.level;
loc : Loc.t option;
pp : Pp.t;
str : string;
type feedback = {
doc_id : Feedback.doc_id;
span_id : Stateid.t;
route : Feedback.route_id;
contents : feedback_content;
type answer =
| Answer of cmd_tag * answer_kind
The answer is comming from a user-issued command
| Feedback of feedback
Output produced by Coq (asynchronously)
General answers of the protocol can be responses to commands, or Coq messages