package coq-lsp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Flags : sig ... end
module Warning : sig ... end
module Require : sig ... end
type t = private {
  1. coqlib : string;
  2. coqcorelib : string;
  3. findlib_config : string option;
  4. ocamlpath : string list;
  5. vo_load_path : Loadpath.vo_path list;

    List of -R / -Q flags passed to Coq, usually theories we depend on

  6. ml_include_path : string list;

    List of paths to look for Coq plugins, deprecated in favor of findlib

  7. require_libs : Require.t list;

    Modules to preload, usually Coq.Init.Prelude

  8. flags : Flags.t;

    Coq-specific flags

  9. warnings : Warning.t list;
  10. kind : string;

    How the workspace was built

  11. debug : bool;

    Enable backtraces

val inject_requires : extra_requires:Require.t list -> t -> t

Inject some requires

val compare : t -> t -> int


val hash : t -> int


val describe : t -> string * string

user message, debug extra data

val describe_guess : (t, string) Result.t -> string * string
module CmdLine : sig ... end
val guess : token:Limits.Token.t -> debug:bool -> cmdline:CmdLine.t -> dir:string -> (t, string) Result.t
val default : debug:bool -> cmdline:CmdLine.t -> t
val apply : intern:unit -> uri:Lang.LUri.File.t -> t -> unit

apply libname w will prepare Coq for a new file libname on workspace w

val dirpath_of_uri : uri:Lang.LUri.File.t -> Names.DirPath.t

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