package containers

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Handling S-expressions

  • since 3.0 moved into containers-core, previously in [containers.sexp]
type 'a or_error = ('a, string) result
type 'a gen = unit -> 'a option
module type SEXP = CCSexp_intf.SEXP
module type S = CCSexp_intf.S
module Make (Sexp : SEXP) : S with type t = Sexp.t


type t = [
  1. | `Atom of string
  2. | `List of t list

A simple, structural representation of S-expressions.

include S with type t := t
include CCSexp_intf.S0 with type t := t
type sexp = t


val list : t list -> t

Make a Sexpr of this list.

  • since 2.8


val of_int : int -> t
val of_bool : bool -> t
val of_list : t list -> t
val of_rev_list : t list -> t

Reverse the list.

val of_float : float -> t
val of_unit : t
val of_pair : (t * t) -> t
val of_triple : (t * t * t) -> t
val of_quad : (t * t * t * t) -> t
val of_variant : string -> t list -> t

of_variant name args is used to encode algebraic variants into a S-expr. For instance of_variant "some" [of_int 1] represents the value Some 1.

val of_field : string -> t -> t

Used to represent one record field.

val of_record : (string * t) list -> t

Represent a record by its named fields.


val to_buf : Buffer.t -> t -> unit
val to_string : t -> string
val to_file : string -> t -> unit
val to_file_iter : string -> t CCSexp_intf.iter -> unit

Print the given iter of expressions to a file.

val to_chan : out_channel -> t -> unit
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-printer nice on human eyes (including indentation).

val pp_noindent : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Raw, direct printing as compact as possible.


val parse_string : string -> t CCSexp_intf.or_error

Parse a string.

val parse_string_list : string -> t list CCSexp_intf.or_error

Parse a string into a list of S-exprs.

  • since 2.8
val parse_chan : in_channel -> t CCSexp_intf.or_error

Parse a S-expression from the given channel. Can read more data than necessary, so don't use this if you need finer-grained control (e.g. to read something else after the S-exp).

Parse a channel into a generator of S-expressions.

val parse_chan_list : in_channel -> t list CCSexp_intf.or_error
val parse_file : string -> t CCSexp_intf.or_error

Open the file and read a S-exp from it.

val parse_file_list : string -> t list CCSexp_intf.or_error

Open the file and read a S-exp from it.

type loc

Locations for the S-expressions.

  • since 3.3


type 'a parse_result =
  1. | Yield of 'a
  2. | Fail of string
  3. | End

A parser of 'a can return Yield x when it parsed a value, or Fail e when a parse error was encountered, or End if the input was empty.

module Decoder : sig ... end
val equal : t -> t -> bool
  • since 3.0
val compare : t -> t -> int
  • since 3.0
val atom : string -> t

Build an atom directly from a string.


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