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IO Utils
Simple utilities to deal with basic Input/Output tasks in a resource-safe way. For advanced IO tasks, the user is advised to use something like Lwt or Async, that are far more comprehensive.
NOTE this was formerly a monadic IO module. The old module is now in containers.advanced under the name CCMonadIO.
obtain the list of lines of a file:
# let l = CCIO.(with_in "/tmp/some_file" read_lines);;
transfer one file into another:
# CCIO.(
with_in "/tmp/input"
(fun ic ->
let chunks = read_chunks ic in
with_out ~flags:[Open_creat; Open_wronly] ~mode:0o644 "/tmp/output"
(fun oc ->
write_gen oc chunks
) ;;
Open an input file with the given optional flag list, calls the function on the input channel. When the function raises or returns, the channel is closed.