package color

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This module deals with colors.

type gg = Gg.color

Standard representation of a color.

module type ColorRep = sig ... end
module Rgb : ColorRep with type param = int

Classic RedGreenBlue (& optional alpha) representation, closely matching the way screens display colors.

module Rgb_float : ColorRep with type param = float

Same as Rgb, but with float values.

module Hsl : ColorRep with type param = float

Hue, Saturation, Lightness. More intuitive to work with than Rgb.

module Oklab : ColorRep with type param = float

A color space that is ok. See the author's blog for more info.

module Oklch : ColorRep with type param = float

The polar version of Oklab. See mozilla's page on it for more info. Arguably the easiest space to work with, as it closely match our perception of colors.

val of_hexstring : string -> gg option

Parse a hexadecimal color code. Handles short format like #rgb or long format #rrggbb. Short format #abc corresponds to long format #aabbcc.

val to_hexstring : gg -> string

Converts a color to its hexadecimal representation. The alpha channel is not represented.

val black : gg

Pure black

val white : gg

Pure white

val gray_tone : float -> gg

Creates a gray tone from light values (0.0 -> black, 1.0 -> white)

val rotate_hue : float -> gg -> gg

Rotates the hue of a Color by some angle (in degrees)

val complementary : gg -> gg

Gets complementary color by rotating hue by 180°

val lighten : float -> gg -> gg

Lightens a color by adding an amount to the lightness channel

val darken : float -> gg -> gg

Darkens a color by subtracting an amount to the lightness channel

val intensify : float -> gg -> gg

Increases the chroma of a color

val desintensify : float -> gg -> gg

Decreases the chroma of a color

val lightness : gg -> float

The perceived lightness of any color, with 0. for the darkest black and 1. for the lightest white.

val contrast_ratio : gg -> gg -> float

Contrast ratio between two colors. It is a value that can range from 1. to 21. W3 reference


val is_light : gg -> bool

Checks whether a color is perceived as a light color.

val readable : gg -> gg -> bool

Checks if text of one color is readable on a background of the second color. A minimum contrast ratio of 4.5 is recommended to ensure that text is readable on a given background. W3 reference

val text_color : gg -> gg

Returns a readable foreground text color (picks between black or white) for a given background color

val random : ?alpha:float -> ?light:float -> ?chroma:float -> unit -> gg

Picks a color with a random hue. Uses a default "full-light" chroma and lightness, and full opacity.


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