package colombe

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module type FUNCTOR = sig ... end
type (+'a, 't) io
type ('l, 'r) either =
  1. | L of 'l
  2. | R of 'r
type 'a or_error = ('a, [ `Msg of string ]) result
type 't impl = {
  1. bind : 'a 'b. ('a, 't) io -> ('a -> ('b, 't) io) -> ('b, 't) io;
  2. return : 'a. 'a -> ('a, 't) io;
type ('flow, 's) rdwr = {
  1. rd : 'flow -> bytes -> int -> int -> (int, 's) io;
  2. wr : 'flow -> string -> int -> int -> (unit, 's) io;
module type X = sig ... end
module Make (T : FUNCTOR) : X with type 'a s = 'a T.t

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