package colibri2
type t =
| Var of {
var : Colibri2_core.Expr.Term.Var.t;
ty : Colibri2_core.Expr.Ty.t;
| App of F.t * Colibri2_core.Expr.Ty.t list * t Colibri2_popop_lib.IArray.t
| Node of Colibri2_core.Node.t
include Colibri2_popop_lib.Popop_stdlib.Datatype with type t := t
include Colibri2_popop_lib.Popop_stdlib.OrderedHashedType with type t := t
val pp : t Colibri2_popop_lib.Pp.pp
val hash_fold_t : t Base.Hash.folder
module M : Colibri2_popop_lib.Map_intf.PMap with type key = t
module H : Colibri2_popop_lib.Exthtbl.Hashtbl.S with type key = t
val of_term_exn :
?coercion:bool ->
subst:Colibri2_core.Ground.Subst.t ->
Colibri2_core.Expr.Term.t ->
val init : Colibri2_core.Ground.Subst.S.t
Singleton set with the empty substitution, can be used as initial value for the following function. Ground.Subst.empty
should not be used since the functions will do nothing
val match_ty :
Colibri2_core.Ground.Subst.S.t ->
Colibri2_core.Ground.Ty.t ->
Colibri2_core.Expr.Ty.t ->
match_ty substs ty pat
match the ty
on pat
for each substitution of substs
val match_term :
_ Colibri2_core.Egraph.t ->
Colibri2_core.Ground.Subst.S.t ->
Colibri2_core.Node.t ->
t ->
match_term d substs n pat
match the node n
on the pattern pat
for each substitution. Each return substitution corresponds to one given as input.
val check_ty :
Colibri2_core.Ground.Subst.t ->
Colibri2_core.Ground.Ty.t ->
Colibri2_core.Expr.Ty.t ->
check_ty subst ty pat
checks that the pattern pat
substituted by subst
is equal to ty
val check_term :
_ Colibri2_core.Egraph.t ->
Colibri2_core.Ground.Subst.t ->
Colibri2_core.Node.t ->
t ->
check_term d subst n pat
checks the pattern pat
substituted by subst
is equal by congruence of d
to n
val check_term_exists :
_ Colibri2_core.Egraph.t ->
Colibri2_core.Ground.Subst.t ->
t ->
check_term_exists d subst pat
return nodes that are equal to the pattern pat
substituted by the substitution subst
val match_any_term :
_ Colibri2_core.Egraph.t ->
Colibri2_core.Ground.Subst.S.t ->
t ->
match_any_term d subst pat
match the pattern pat
to all the nodes of d
for each substitution. Each return substitution corresponds to one given as input.
val get_pps : t -> t list -> PP.t list Colibri2_core.Expr.Term.Var.M.t
get_pps pat pats
return for each variables the parent-parent pairs between position in pat
and position in pat
or pats
val env_ground_by_apps :
Colibri2_core.Ground.t Colibri2_stdlib.Context.Push.t F.EnvApps.t
The set of ground terms sorted by their top function
module EnvTy :
Colibri2_core.Datastructure.Memo with type key := Colibri2_core.Ground.Ty.t
val env_node_by_ty :
Colibri2_core.Node.t Colibri2_stdlib.Context.Push.t EnvTy.t
The set of nodes sorted by their type. A node can have multiple types
val find_existing_app :
?fg:('a Colibri2_core.Egraph.t -> Colibri2_core.Ground.t -> unit) ->
'a Colibri2_core.Egraph.t ->
Colibri2_core.Ground.Subst.t ->
F.t ->
Colibri2_core.Expr.ty list ->
Colibri2_core.Node.S.t Colibri2_popop_lib.IArray.t ->
find_existing_app d s f tyl nodes_args
find existing application of f
with one of the nodes as arguments