package colibri2

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include module type of struct include Dolmen_std.Expr.Ty end
Usual definitions

The type of types.

The type of substitutions over types.

type 'a tag = 'a Dolmen_std.Tag.t

A type for tags to attach to arbitrary types.

exception Bad_arity of Dolmen_std.Expr.ty_cst * t list

Raised when applying a type constant to the wrong number of arguments.

exception Prenex_polymorphism of t

Raised when the type provided is polymorphic, but occurred in a place where polymorphic types are forbidden by prenex/rank-1 polymorphism.

val hash : t -> int

A hash function for types, should be suitable to create hashtables.

val equal : t -> t -> bool

An equality function on types. Should be compatible with the hash function.

val compare : t -> t -> int

Comparison function over types. Should be compativle with the equality function.

val print : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Printing function.

Alias management

Alias the given type constant.

val expand_head : t -> t

Expand head aliases.

type view = [
  1. | `Prop


  2. | `Int


  3. | `Rat


  4. | `Real


  5. | `Array of Dolmen_std.Expr.ty * Dolmen_std.Expr.ty

    Function arrays, from source to destination type.

  6. | `Bitv of int

    Bitvectors of fixed length.

  7. | `Float of int * int

    Floating points.

  8. | `String


  9. | `String_reg_lang

    Regular languages over strings

  10. | `Var of Dolmen_std.Expr.ty_var

    Variables (excluding wildcards)

  11. | `Wildcard of Dolmen_std.Expr.ty_var


  12. | `App of [ `Generic of Dolmen_std.Expr.ty_cst | `Builtin of Dolmen_std.Expr.builtin ] * Dolmen_std.Expr.ty list

    Generic applications.

  13. | `Arrow of Dolmen_std.Expr.ty list * Dolmen_std.Expr.ty
  14. | `Pi of Dolmen_std.Expr.ty_var list * Dolmen_std.Expr.ty

View on types.

val view : t -> view

View on types.

val pi_arity : t -> int

Returns the number of expected type arguments that the given type expects (i.e. the number of prenex polymorphic variables in the given type).

Split a type into a polymorphic signature.

Type structure definition

One case of an algebraic datatype definition.

type def = Dolmen_std.Expr.Ty.def =
  1. | Abstract
  2. | Adt of {
    1. ty : Dolmen_std.Expr.ty_cst;
    2. record : bool;
    3. cases : adt_case array;

The various ways to define a type inside the solver.

val define : Dolmen_std.Expr.ty_cst -> def -> unit

Register a type definition.

val definition : Dolmen_std.Expr.ty_cst -> def option

Return the definition of a type (if it exists).

Variables and constants
val prop : t

The type of propositions

val bool : t

Alias for prop.

val unit : t

The unit type.

val base : t

An arbitrary type.

val int : t

The type of integers

val rat : t

The type of rationals

val real : t

The type of reals.

val string : t

The type of strings

val string_reg_lang : t

The type of regular language over strings.

val of_var : Dolmen_std.Expr.Ty.Var.t -> t

Create a type from a variable.

val apply : Dolmen_std.Expr.Ty.Const.t -> t list -> t

Application for types.

val arrow : t list -> t -> t

Create an arrow type (i.e. function type)

val pi : Dolmen_std.Expr.Ty.Var.t list -> t -> t

Create a prenex/rank-1 polymorphic type.

val array : t -> t -> t

Build an array type from source to destination types.

val bitv : int -> t

Bitvectors of a given length.

val float : int -> int -> t

Floating point of given exponent and significand.

val roundingMode : t

Type for the various Floating point rounding modes.

val subst : ?fix:bool -> subst -> t -> t

Substitution on types.

val fv : t -> Dolmen_std.Expr.Ty.Var.t list

Returns the list of free variables in the type.

val freshen : t -> t

Freshen a type, replacing all its bound variables by new/fresh type variables.

val unify : t -> t -> t option

Try and unify two types.

val set_wildcard : Dolmen_std.Expr.ty_var -> t -> unit

Instantiate the given wildcard.

val add_wildcard_hook : hook:(Dolmen_std.Expr.ty_var -> Dolmen_std.Expr.ty -> unit) -> Dolmen_std.Expr.ty_var -> unit

Tag for hooks called upon the wildcard instantiation.

val get_tag : t -> 'a Dolmen_std.Tag.t -> 'a option

Get the value bound to a tag.

val get_tag_list : t -> 'a list Dolmen_std.Tag.t -> 'a list

Get the list of values bound to a list tag, returning the empty list if no value is bound.

val get_tag_last : t -> 'a list Dolmen_std.Tag.t -> 'a option

Get the last value bound to a list tag.

val set_tag : t -> 'a Dolmen_std.Tag.t -> 'a -> unit

Set the value bound to the tag.

val add_tag : t -> 'a list Dolmen_std.Tag.t -> 'a -> unit

Bind an additional value to a list tag.

val add_tag_opt : t -> 'a list Dolmen_std.Tag.t -> 'a option -> unit

Optionally bind an additional value to a list tag.

val add_tag_list : t -> 'a list Dolmen_std.Tag.t -> 'a list -> unit

Bind a list of additional values to a list tag.

val unset_tag : t -> _ Dolmen_std.Tag.t -> unit

Remove the binding to the given tag.

val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
include sig ... end
val hash_fold_t : t Base.Hash.folder
module M : sig ... end
module S : sig ... end
module H : sig ... end
val sexp_of_t : t -> Base.Sexp.t
module Var : sig ... end
val free_vars : Var.S.t -> t -> Var.S.t
module Const : sig ... end

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