package colibri2
Represents product of sign of nodes
include Colibri2_popop_lib.Popop_stdlib.Datatype with type t := t
include Colibri2_popop_lib.Popop_stdlib.OrderedHashedType with type t := t
val pp : t Colibri2_popop_lib.Pp.pp
val hash_fold_t : t Base.Hash.folder
module M : Colibri2_popop_lib.Map_intf.PMap with type key = t
module H : Colibri2_popop_lib.Exthtbl.Hashtbl.S with type key = t
val cst : Colibri2_stdlib.Std.A.t -> t
val of_one_node : Colibri2_core.Node.t -> t
Build a value that represent one node
val of_one_node_non_zero : Colibri2_core.Node.t -> t
Build a value that represent one node when it is known to be non-zero
val is_one_node : t -> Colibri2_core.Node.t option
Test if a value represents one node
val subst : t -> Colibri2_core.Node.t -> t -> t option
subst p n q
substitute n
by q
in p
, if n
is not in p
None is returned, otherwise the result of the substitution is returned
val normalize : t -> f:(Colibri2_core.Node.t -> t) -> t
norm p ~f
normalize p
using f
An abstract type to avoid translating the map to sets in nodes
val nodes : t -> data Colibri2_core.Node.M.t
nodes t
returns the node which are present in t
val extract_cst : t -> extract_cst * t
val remove : Colibri2_core.Node.t -> t -> t
val one : t
val minus_one : t
val zero : t
val mul_cst : cst -> Colibri2_stdlib.Std.A.t -> Colibri2_stdlib.Std.A.t
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"