package colibri2

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module SeqLim : sig ... end
type check =
  1. | Right

    The current model verify the interpretation of the constraint

  2. | Wrong

    The current model do not verify the interpretation of the constraint

  3. | NA

    I don't know the interpretation of the constraint

  4. | Unknown

    I know the interpretation of the constraint but I can't check it

val check_of_bool : bool -> check

Right for true, Wrong for false

type compute =
  1. | Value of Value.t
  2. | NA
module Register : sig ... end

Iterate on all the possible value of the given type, usually all the values will be reached eventually

val print_value_smt : _ Egraph.t -> Value.t Fmt.t
val interp : Egraph.wt -> Expr.Term.t -> Value.t

interp d e Should be used when the model has been computed. Compute the value of e in the current model. The value of e and the intermediary expression are also stored in the d

module WatchArgs : sig ... end

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