package colibri2
Check the value of the arguments corresponds to the the one of the of the ground term according to its interpretation
val check_closed_quantifier :
Egraph.wt ->
(Egraph.rt -> Ground.ClosedQuantifier.t -> check) ->
Check the interpretation of the closed quantifier in the current model
val check_not_totally_applied :
Egraph.wt ->
(Egraph.rt -> Ground.NotTotallyApplied.t -> check) ->
Check the interpretation for this partial application or lambdas
val compute_closed_quantifier :
Egraph.wt ->
(Egraph.rt -> Ground.ClosedQuantifier.t -> compute) ->
val compute_not_totally_applied :
Egraph.wt ->
(Egraph.rt -> Ground.NotTotallyApplied.t -> compute) ->
val node :
Egraph.wt ->
((Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> Value.t SeqLim.t) ->
Egraph.wt ->
Node.t ->
Value.t SeqLim.t option) ->
Register the computation of possible values for a node using the information on the domains. It could ask the computation of other nodes
val ty :
Egraph.wt ->
(Egraph.rt -> Ground.Ty.t -> Value.t SeqLim.t option) ->
Register iterators on all the possible value of some types, all the values must be reached eventually
val print_value_smt : (_, 'a) Value.Kind.t -> (Egraph.rt -> 'a Fmt.t) -> unit
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"