package colibri2
include module type of struct include Dolmen_std.Expr.Ty.Var end
A module for variables that occur in types.
type t = Dolmen_std.Expr.ty_var
The type of variables the can occur in types
val print : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val hash : t -> int
A hash function for type variables, should be suitable to create hashtables.
An equality function on type variables. Should be compatible with the hash function.
val mk : string -> t
Create a new type variable with the given name.
val wildcard : unit -> t
Type wildcard
val is_wildcard : t -> bool
Predictae to distinguish wildcard type variables.
val get_tag : t -> 'a Dolmen_std.Tag.t -> 'a option
Get the value bound to a tag.
val get_tag_list : t -> 'a list Dolmen_std.Tag.t -> 'a list
Get the list of values bound to a list tag, returning the empty list if no value is bound.
val get_tag_last : t -> 'a list Dolmen_std.Tag.t -> 'a option
Get the last value bound to a list tag.
val set_tag : t -> 'a Dolmen_std.Tag.t -> 'a -> unit
Set the value bound to the tag.
val add_tag : t -> 'a list Dolmen_std.Tag.t -> 'a -> unit
Bind an additional value to a list tag.
val add_tag_opt : t -> 'a list Dolmen_std.Tag.t -> 'a option -> unit
Optionally bind an additional value to a list tag.
val add_tag_list : t -> 'a list Dolmen_std.Tag.t -> 'a list -> unit
Bind a list of additional values to a list tag.
val unset_tag : t -> _ Dolmen_std.Tag.t -> unit
Remove the binding to the given tag.
val pp : Dolmen_std__Expr.type_ Dolmen_std.Expr.Print.t
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"