sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
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Plain HTTP file serving from a read-only key-value store.
start http_port ?request_fn fs http
will start a static HTTP server listening on http_port
. The files to serve will be looked up from the fs
key-value store.
If request_fn
is supplied, the URI and default header set (including the MIME content-type header) will be passed to it and the response used as the response header set instead.
module FS : Mirage_kv.RO
module S : Cohttp_lwt.S.Server
val start :
http_port:int ->
?request_fn:(Uri.t -> Http.Header.t -> Http.Header.t) ->
FS.t ->
([> `TCP of int ] -> S.t -> 'a) ->