package chamelon

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t = Tag.t * Cstruct.t
val info_of_entry : t -> (string * [ `Value | `Dictionary ]) option
val compact : t list -> t list

compact l checks to see whether l contains any deletion entries; * if so, it removes the entries to be deleted and the corresponding deletion entry, * and returns the resulting list. * * See littlefs documentation on compaction for more information.

val lenv_less_hardtail : t list -> int

lenv_less_hardtail l gives the number of bytes necessary to store l, * not including any hardtail entries present in l.

val ctime : int -> (int * int64) -> t

ctime id d,ps returns a creation time entry for id at d,ps

val ctime_of_cstruct : Cstruct.t -> (int * int64) option
val into_cstructv : starting_xor_tag:Cstruct.t -> Cstruct.t -> t list -> int * Cstruct.t
val to_cstructv : starting_xor_tag:Cstruct.t -> t list -> Cstruct.t * Cstruct.t
val of_cstructv : starting_xor_tag:Cstruct.t -> Cstruct.t -> t list * Cstruct.t * int

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