package chamelon

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t
val seed_tag : t -> Cstruct.t
val last_tag : t -> Cstruct.t
val entries : t -> Entry.t list
val of_entries_filter_crc : Cstruct.t -> Optint.t -> Entry.t list -> t

of_entries_filter_crc starting_xor_tag crc l creates a new commit t representing the entries l. CRC entries are ommitted.

val commit_after : t -> Entry.t list -> t

commit_after last_commit entries makes a new commit containing entries * with its parameters correctly initialized from the information in last_commit.

val into_cstruct : filter_hardtail:bool -> starting_offset:int -> program_block_size:int -> starting_xor_tag:Cstruct.t -> next_commit_valid:bool -> Cstruct.t -> t -> int * Cstruct.t
val of_cstructv : starting_offset:int -> program_block_size:int -> starting_xor_tag:Cstruct.t -> preceding_crc:Optint.t -> Cstruct.t -> t list