package catt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type builtin =
  1. | Comp
  2. | Id
type tyR =
  1. | Letin_ty of Common.Var.t * tmR * tyR
  2. | ObjR
  3. | ArrR of tmR * tmR
and tmR =
  1. | Letin_tm of Common.Var.t * tmR * tmR
  2. | VarR of Common.Var.t
  3. | BuiltinR of builtin
  4. | Sub of tmR * subR * int option * bool
  5. | Meta
  6. | Op of int list * tmR
  7. | Inverse of tmR
  8. | Unit of tmR
and subR = (tmR * int) list

Innovation. Community. Security.