package catala

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Typing for the default calculus. Because of the error terms, we perform type inference using the classical W algorithm with union-find unification.

module Pos = Utils.Pos
module Errors = Utils.Errors
module A = Ast
module Cli = Utils.Cli

Types and unification

type typ =
  1. | TLit of A.typ_lit
  2. | TArrow of typ Pos.marked UnionFind.elem * typ Pos.marked UnionFind.elem
  3. | TTuple of typ Pos.marked UnionFind.elem list
  4. | TEnum of typ Pos.marked UnionFind.elem list
  5. | TAny

We do not reuse Dcalc.Ast.typ because we have to include a new TAny variant. Indeed, error terms can have any type and this has to be captured by the type sytem.

val format_typ : Format.formatter -> typ Pos.marked UnionFind.elem -> unit

Raises an error if unification cannot be performed

Operators have a single type, instead of being polymorphic with constraints. This allows us to have a simpler type system, while we argue the syntactic burden of operator annotations helps the programmer visualize the type flow in the code.

val ast_to_typ : A.typ -> typ

Double-directed typing

val typecheck_expr_bottom_up : env -> A.expr Pos.marked -> typ Pos.marked UnionFind.elem

Infers the most permissive type from an expression

val typecheck_expr_top_down : env -> A.expr A.Pos.marked -> typ Pos.marked UnionFind.elem -> unit

Checks whether the expression can be typed with the provided type


val infer_type : A.expr Pos.marked -> A.typ Pos.marked
val check_type : A.expr Pos.marked -> A.typ Pos.marked -> unit

Typechecks an expression given an expected type


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