package carton

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type 'ctx hash = 'ctx Carton.First_pass.hash = {
  1. feed_bytes : bytes -> off:int -> len:int -> 'ctx -> 'ctx;
  2. feed_bigstring : De.bigstring -> 'ctx -> 'ctx;
  3. serialize : 'ctx -> string;
  4. length : int;
type digest = Carton.First_pass.digest =
  1. | Digest : 'ctx hash * 'ctx -> digest
type entry = {
  1. crc : Optint.t;
  2. offset : int64;
  3. uid : uid;
type encoder
type dst = [
  1. | `Channel of out_channel
  2. | `Buffer of Buffer.t
  3. | `Manual
val encoder : dst -> digest:digest -> pack:string -> ref_length:int -> entry array -> encoder
val encode : encoder -> [ `Await ] -> [ `Partial | `Ok ]
val dst_rem : encoder -> int
val dst : encoder -> bytes -> int -> int -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.