package carton-lwt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type 'uid entry = 'uid Carton.Enc.entry
type 'uid delta = 'uid =
  1. | From of 'uid
  2. | Zero
val make_entry : kind:Carton.kind -> length:int -> ?preferred:bool -> ?delta:'uid delta -> 'uid -> 'uid entry
val length : 'uid entry -> int
type 'uid q = 'uid Carton.Enc.q
type 'uid p = 'uid Carton.Enc.p
type 'uid patch = 'uid Carton.Enc.patch
type 'uid load = 'uid -> Dec.v Lwt.t
type 'uid find = 'uid -> int option Lwt.t
type 'uid uid = 'uid Carton.Enc.uid = {
  1. uid_ln : int;
  2. uid_rw : 'uid -> string;
val target_to_source : 'uid q -> 'uid p
val target_uid : 'uid q -> 'uid
val entry_to_target : load:'uid load -> 'uid entry -> 'uid q Lwt.t
val apply : load:'uid load -> uid_ln:int -> source:'uid p -> target:'uid q -> unit Lwt.t
module type VERBOSE = Carton.Enc.VERBOSE with type 'a fiber = 'a Lwt.t
module type UID = Carton.Enc.UID
module Delta (Uid : UID) (Verbose : VERBOSE) : sig ... end
module N : sig ... end
type b = Carton.Enc.b = {
  1. i : Bigstringaf.t;
  2. q : De.Queue.t;
  3. w : De.Lz77.window;
  4. o : Bigstringaf.t;
val header_of_pack : length:int -> Bigstringaf.t -> int -> int -> unit
val encode_target : b:b -> find:'uid find -> load:'uid load -> uid:'uid uid -> 'uid q -> cursor:int -> (int * N.encoder) Lwt.t

Innovation. Community. Security.