package camlpdf

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val write_debug : bool ref
val header : Pdf.t -> string
val output_string_of_xref : Pdfio.output -> int -> unit
val write_xrefs : int list -> Pdfio.output -> unit
val make_pdf_string : string -> string
val make_hex_pdf_string : string -> string
type writeout =
  1. | WString of string
  2. | WStream of
val max_int_float : float
val min_int_float : float
val format_real : float -> string
val hexchar : int -> char
val make_pdf_name_inner : Buffer.t -> string -> unit
val needs_processing_inner : string -> int -> int -> bool
val needs_processing : string -> bool
val make_pdf_name : string -> string
val strings_of_array : ?hex:bool -> (writeout -> unit) -> (int, int) Hashtbl.t -> Pdf.pdfobject list -> unit
val strings_of_dictionary : ?hex:bool -> (writeout -> unit) -> (int, int) Hashtbl.t -> (string * Pdf.pdfobject) list -> unit
val strings_of_pdf : ?hex:bool -> (writeout -> unit) -> (int, int) Hashtbl.t -> Pdf.pdfobject -> unit
val strings_of_pdf_return : Pdf.pdfobject -> writeout list
val b : Buffer.t
val string_of_pdf : Pdf.pdfobject -> string
val debug_whole_pdf : Pdf.t -> unit
val strings_of_object : (int * Pdf.pdfobject) -> writeout list
val strings_of_pdf_object : (writeout -> unit) -> ('a * Pdf.pdfobject) -> int -> (int, int) Hashtbl.t -> unit
val output_stream : Pdfio.output -> Pdf.pdfobject -> unit
type encryption_method =
  1. | PDF40bit
  2. | PDF128bit
  3. | AES128bit of bool
  4. | AES256bit of bool
  5. | AES256bitISO of bool
  6. | AlreadyEncrypted
type encryption = {
  1. encryption_method : encryption_method;
  2. owner_password : string;
  3. user_password : string;
  4. permissions : Pdfcrypt.permission list;
val crypt_if_necessary : Pdf.t -> encryption option -> Pdf.t
val flatten_W : Pdfio.output -> writeout -> unit
val bake_object_streams : bool -> Pdf.t -> (int * int list) list -> unit
val print_data : 'a -> 'b -> unit
val reinstate_object_streams : bool -> bool -> Pdf.t -> (int * int list) list
val max_bytes_required : int list -> int
val output_bytes : int -> int -> Pdfio.output -> unit
val make_xref_stream : Pdf.t -> int list -> (int * 'a list) list -> Pdf.pdfobject
val generate_object_stream_hints : bool -> Pdf.t -> bool -> unit
val dummy_encryption : encryption
val pdf_to_output : ?preserve_objstm:bool -> ?generate_objstm:bool -> ?compress_objstm:bool -> ?recrypt:string option -> bool -> encryption option -> bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdfio.output -> unit
val pdf_to_channel : ?preserve_objstm:bool -> ?generate_objstm:bool -> ?compress_objstm:bool -> ?recrypt:string option -> bool -> encryption option -> bool -> Pdf.t -> out_channel -> unit
val pdf_to_file_options : ?preserve_objstm:bool -> ?generate_objstm:bool -> ?compress_objstm:bool -> ?recrypt:string option -> bool -> encryption option -> bool -> Pdf.t -> string -> unit
val pdf_to_file : Pdf.t -> string -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.