package camlp5

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type (!'a, !'b) choice =
  1. | Left of 'a
  2. | Right of 'b
val option_map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
val sys_ocaml_version : string
val ocaml_location : (string * int * int * int * int * int * int) -> Location.t
val loc_none : Location.t
val mkloc : Location.t -> 'a -> 'a Location.loc
val mknoloc : 'a -> 'a Location.loc
val ocaml_id_or_li_of_string_list : 'a -> string list -> Longident.t option
val list_map_check : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b list option
val labelled : string -> Asttypes.arg_label
val ocaml_value_description : string -> Parsetree.core_type -> string list -> Parsetree.value_description
val ocaml_class_type_field : Location.t -> Parsetree.class_type_field_desc -> Parsetree.class_type_field
val ocaml_class_field : Location.t -> Parsetree.class_field_desc -> Parsetree.class_field
val ocaml_mktyp : Location.t -> Parsetree.core_type_desc -> Parsetree.core_type
val ocaml_mkpat : Location.t -> Parsetree.pattern_desc -> Parsetree.pattern
val ocaml_mkexp : Location.t -> Parsetree.expression_desc -> Parsetree.expression
val ocaml_mkmty : Location.t -> Parsetree.module_type_desc -> Parsetree.module_type
val ocaml_mkmod : Location.t -> Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> Parsetree.module_expr
val ocaml_mkfield : 'a -> ('b * 'c) -> ('b * 'c) list -> ('b * 'c) list
val ocaml_mkfield_var : 'a -> 'b list
val variance_of_bool_bool : (bool * bool) -> Asttypes.variance
val ocaml_type_declaration : string -> string option list -> (Parsetree.core_type * Parsetree.core_type * Location.t) list -> Parsetree.type_kind -> Asttypes.private_flag -> Parsetree.core_type option -> Location.t -> (bool * bool) list -> (string, Parsetree.type_declaration) choice
val ocaml_class_type : (Parsetree.class_type_desc -> Location.t -> Parsetree.class_type) option
val ocaml_class_expr : (Parsetree.class_expr_desc -> Location.t -> Parsetree.class_expr) option
val ocaml_class_structure : Parsetree.pattern -> Parsetree.class_field list -> Parsetree.class_structure
val ocaml_pmty_ident : Location.t -> Longident.t -> Parsetree.module_type_desc
val ocaml_pmty_functor : Location.t -> string -> Parsetree.module_type -> Parsetree.module_type -> Parsetree.module_type_desc
val ocaml_pmty_typeof : (Parsetree.module_expr -> Parsetree.module_type_desc) option
val ocaml_pmty_with : Parsetree.module_type -> ('a * Parsetree.with_constraint) list -> Parsetree.module_type_desc
val ocaml_ptype_abstract : Parsetree.type_kind
val ocaml_ptype_record : (string * Asttypes.mutable_flag * Parsetree.core_type * Location.t) list -> 'a -> Parsetree.type_kind
val ocaml_ptype_variant : (string * Parsetree.core_type list * 'a option * Location.t) list -> 'b -> Parsetree.type_kind option
val ocaml_ptyp_arrow : string -> Parsetree.core_type -> Parsetree.core_type -> Parsetree.core_type_desc
val ocaml_ptyp_class : Longident.t -> Parsetree.core_type list -> 'a -> Parsetree.core_type_desc
val ocaml_ptyp_constr : Location.t -> Longident.t -> Parsetree.core_type list -> Parsetree.core_type_desc
val ocaml_ptyp_object : Location.t -> (string * Parsetree.core_type) list -> bool -> Parsetree.core_type_desc
val ocaml_ptyp_package : (Parsetree.package_type -> Parsetree.core_type_desc) option
val ocaml_ptyp_poly : (Location.t -> string list -> Parsetree.core_type -> Parsetree.core_type_desc) option
val ocaml_ptyp_variant : (Asttypes.label * bool * Parsetree.core_type list, Parsetree.core_type) choice list -> bool -> Asttypes.label list option -> Parsetree.core_type_desc option
val ocaml_package_type : 'a -> ('b * Parsetree.core_type) list -> 'a Location.loc * ('b Location.loc * Parsetree.core_type) list
val ocaml_pconst_char : char -> Parsetree.constant
val ocaml_pconst_int : int -> Parsetree.constant
val ocaml_pconst_float : string -> Parsetree.constant
val ocaml_const_string : string -> Asttypes.constant
val ocaml_pconst_string : string -> string option -> Parsetree.constant
val pconst_of_const : Asttypes.constant -> Parsetree.constant
val ocaml_const_int32 : (string -> Asttypes.constant) option
val ocaml_const_int64 : (string -> Asttypes.constant) option
val ocaml_const_nativeint : (string -> Asttypes.constant) option
val ocaml_pexp_apply : Parsetree.expression -> (string * Parsetree.expression) list -> Parsetree.expression_desc
val ocaml_pexp_assertfalse : 'a -> Location.t -> Parsetree.expression_desc
val ocaml_pexp_assert : 'a -> 'b -> Parsetree.expression -> Parsetree.expression_desc
val ocaml_pexp_constraint : Parsetree.expression -> Parsetree.core_type option -> Parsetree.core_type option -> Parsetree.expression_desc
val ocaml_pexp_construct : Location.t -> Longident.t -> Parsetree.expression option -> 'a -> Parsetree.expression_desc
val ocaml_pexp_construct_args : Parsetree.expression_desc -> (Longident.t * Location.t * Parsetree.expression option * int) option
val mkexp_ocaml_pexp_construct_arity : Location.t -> Location.t -> Longident.t -> Parsetree.expression list -> Parsetree.expression
val ocaml_pexp_field : Location.t -> Parsetree.expression -> Longident.t -> Parsetree.expression_desc
val ocaml_pexp_for : string -> Parsetree.expression -> Parsetree.expression -> Asttypes.direction_flag -> Parsetree.expression -> Parsetree.expression_desc
val ocaml_case : (Parsetree.pattern * Parsetree.expression option * 'a * Parsetree.expression) ->
val ocaml_pexp_function : string -> Parsetree.expression option -> list -> Parsetree.expression_desc
val ocaml_pexp_lazy : (Parsetree.expression -> Parsetree.expression_desc) option
val ocaml_pexp_ident : Location.t -> Longident.t -> Parsetree.expression_desc
val ocaml_pexp_letmodule : (string -> Parsetree.module_expr -> Parsetree.expression -> Parsetree.expression_desc) option
val ocaml_pexp_new : Location.t -> Longident.t -> Parsetree.expression_desc
val ocaml_pexp_newtype : (Location.t -> string -> Parsetree.expression -> Parsetree.expression_desc) option
val ocaml_pexp_object : (Parsetree.class_structure -> Parsetree.expression_desc) option
val ocaml_pexp_open : (Longident.t -> Parsetree.expression -> Parsetree.expression_desc) option
val ocaml_pexp_override : (string * Parsetree.expression) list -> Parsetree.expression_desc
val ocaml_pexp_pack : ('a -> 'b -> 'c, (Parsetree.module_expr -> Parsetree.expression_desc) * (Parsetree.package_type -> Parsetree.core_type_desc)) choice option
val ocaml_pexp_poly : (Parsetree.expression -> Parsetree.core_type option -> Parsetree.expression_desc) option
val ocaml_pexp_record : (Longident.t * Location.t * Parsetree.expression) list -> Parsetree.expression option -> Parsetree.expression_desc
val ocaml_pexp_send : Location.t -> Parsetree.expression -> string -> Parsetree.expression_desc
val ocaml_pexp_setinstvar : string -> Parsetree.expression -> Parsetree.expression_desc
val ocaml_pexp_variant : ((Parsetree.expression_desc -> (Asttypes.label * Parsetree.expression option) option) * ((Asttypes.label * Parsetree.expression option) -> Parsetree.expression_desc)) option
val ocaml_value_binding : Location.t -> Parsetree.pattern -> Parsetree.expression -> Parsetree.value_binding
val ocaml_ppat_alias : Parsetree.pattern -> string -> Location.t -> Parsetree.pattern_desc
val ocaml_ppat_array : (Parsetree.pattern list -> Parsetree.pattern_desc) option
val ocaml_ppat_construct : Location.t -> Longident.t -> Parsetree.pattern option -> 'a -> Parsetree.pattern_desc
val ocaml_ppat_construct_args : Parsetree.pattern_desc -> (Longident.t * Location.t * Parsetree.pattern option * int) option
val mkpat_ocaml_ppat_construct_arity : Location.t -> Location.t -> Longident.t -> Parsetree.pattern list -> Parsetree.pattern
val ocaml_ppat_lazy : (Parsetree.pattern -> Parsetree.pattern_desc) option
val ocaml_ppat_record : (Longident.t * Location.t * Parsetree.pattern) list -> bool -> Parsetree.pattern_desc
val ocaml_ppat_type : (Location.t -> Longident.t -> Parsetree.pattern_desc) option
val ocaml_ppat_unpack : ((Location.t -> string -> Parsetree.pattern_desc) * (Parsetree.package_type -> Parsetree.core_type_desc)) option
val ocaml_ppat_var : Location.t -> string -> Parsetree.pattern_desc
val ocaml_ppat_variant : ((Parsetree.pattern_desc -> (Asttypes.label * Parsetree.pattern option) option) * ((Asttypes.label * Parsetree.pattern option) -> Parsetree.pattern_desc)) option
val ocaml_psig_class_type : (Parsetree.class_type_declaration list -> Parsetree.signature_item_desc) option
val ocaml_psig_exception : Location.t -> string -> Parsetree.core_type list -> Parsetree.signature_item_desc
val ocaml_psig_include : Location.t -> Parsetree.module_type -> Parsetree.signature_item_desc
val ocaml_psig_module : Location.t -> string -> Parsetree.module_type -> Parsetree.signature_item_desc
val ocaml_psig_modtype : Location.t -> string -> Parsetree.module_type option -> Parsetree.signature_item_desc
val ocaml_psig_open : Location.t -> Longident.t -> Parsetree.signature_item_desc
val ocaml_psig_recmodule : ((string * Parsetree.module_type) list -> Parsetree.signature_item_desc) option
val ocaml_psig_type : ('a * Parsetree.type_declaration) list -> Parsetree.signature_item_desc
val ocaml_psig_value : 'a -> Parsetree.value_description -> Parsetree.signature_item_desc
val ocaml_pstr_class_type : (Parsetree.class_type_declaration list -> Parsetree.structure_item_desc) option
val ocaml_pstr_eval : Parsetree.expression -> Parsetree.structure_item_desc
val ocaml_pstr_exception : Location.t -> string -> Parsetree.core_type list -> Parsetree.structure_item_desc
val ocaml_pstr_exn_rebind : (Location.t -> string -> Longident.t -> Parsetree.structure_item_desc) option
val ocaml_pstr_include : (Location.t -> Parsetree.module_expr -> Parsetree.structure_item_desc) option
val ocaml_pstr_modtype : Location.t -> string -> Parsetree.module_type -> Parsetree.structure_item_desc
val ocaml_pstr_module : Location.t -> string -> Parsetree.module_expr -> Parsetree.structure_item_desc
val ocaml_pstr_open : Location.t -> Longident.t -> Parsetree.structure_item_desc
val ocaml_pstr_primitive : 'a -> Parsetree.value_description -> Parsetree.structure_item_desc
val ocaml_pstr_recmodule : ((string * 'a * Parsetree.module_expr) list -> Parsetree.structure_item_desc) option
val ocaml_pstr_type : ('a * Parsetree.type_declaration) list -> Parsetree.structure_item_desc
val ocaml_class_infos : (Asttypes.virtual_flag -> (string list * 'a) -> string -> 'b -> Location.t -> (bool * bool) list -> 'b Parsetree.class_infos) option
val ocaml_pmod_constraint : Location.t -> Parsetree.module_expr -> Parsetree.module_type -> Parsetree.module_expr
val ocaml_pmod_ident : Longident.t -> Parsetree.module_expr_desc
val ocaml_pmod_functor : string -> Parsetree.module_type -> Parsetree.module_expr -> Parsetree.module_expr_desc
val ocaml_pmod_unpack : ('a -> 'b -> 'c, (Parsetree.expression -> Parsetree.module_expr_desc) * (Parsetree.package_type -> Parsetree.core_type_desc)) choice option
val ocaml_pcf_cstr : ((Parsetree.core_type * Parsetree.core_type * 'a) -> Parsetree.class_field_desc) option
val ocaml_pcf_inher : Location.t -> Parsetree.class_expr -> string option -> Parsetree.class_field_desc
val ocaml_pcf_init : (Parsetree.expression -> Parsetree.class_field_desc) option
val ocaml_pcf_meth : (string * bool * bool * Parsetree.expression * Location.t) -> Parsetree.class_field_desc
val ocaml_pcf_val : (string * bool * bool * Parsetree.expression * Location.t) -> Parsetree.class_field_desc
val ocaml_pcf_valvirt : ((string * bool * Parsetree.core_type * Location.t) -> Parsetree.class_field_desc) option
val ocaml_pcf_virt : (string * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type * Location.t) -> Parsetree.class_field_desc
val ocaml_pcl_apply : (Parsetree.class_expr -> (string * Parsetree.expression) list -> Parsetree.class_expr_desc) option
val ocaml_pcl_constr : (Longident.t -> Parsetree.core_type list -> Parsetree.class_expr_desc) option
val ocaml_pcl_constraint : (Parsetree.class_expr -> Parsetree.class_type -> Parsetree.class_expr_desc) option
val ocaml_pcl_fun : (string -> Parsetree.expression option -> Parsetree.pattern -> Parsetree.class_expr -> Parsetree.class_expr_desc) option
val ocaml_pcl_let : (Asttypes.rec_flag -> Parsetree.value_binding list -> Parsetree.class_expr -> Parsetree.class_expr_desc) option
val ocaml_pcl_structure : (Parsetree.class_structure -> Parsetree.class_expr_desc) option
val ocaml_pctf_cstr : ((Parsetree.core_type * Parsetree.core_type * 'a) -> Parsetree.class_type_field_desc) option
val ocaml_pctf_inher : Parsetree.class_type -> Parsetree.class_type_field_desc
val ocaml_pctf_meth : (string * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type * Location.t) -> Parsetree.class_type_field_desc
val ocaml_pctf_val : (string * Asttypes.mutable_flag * Parsetree.core_type * Location.t) -> Parsetree.class_type_field_desc
val ocaml_pctf_virt : (string * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type * Location.t) -> Parsetree.class_type_field_desc
val ocaml_pcty_constr : (Longident.t -> Parsetree.core_type list -> Parsetree.class_type_desc) option
val ocaml_pcty_fun : (string -> Parsetree.core_type -> 'a -> Parsetree.class_type -> Parsetree.class_type_desc) option
val ocaml_pcty_signature : ((Parsetree.core_type * Parsetree.class_type_field list) -> Parsetree.class_type_desc) option
val ocaml_pdir_bool : (bool -> Parsetree.directive_argument) option
val ocaml_pdir_int : string -> 'a -> Parsetree.directive_argument
val ocaml_pwith_modsubst : (Location.t -> Longident.t -> Parsetree.with_constraint) option
val ocaml_pwith_type : Location.t -> (Longident.t * Parsetree.type_declaration) -> Parsetree.with_constraint
val ocaml_pwith_module : Location.t -> Longident.t -> Longident.t -> Parsetree.with_constraint
val ocaml_pwith_typesubst : (Parsetree.type_declaration -> Parsetree.with_constraint) option
val module_prefix_can_be_in_first_record_label_only : bool
val split_or_patterns_with_bindings : bool
val has_records_with_with : bool
val jocaml_pstr_def : ('a -> 'b) option
val jocaml_pexp_def : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) option
val jocaml_pexp_par : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) option
val jocaml_pexp_reply : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) option
val jocaml_pexp_spawn : ('a -> 'b) option
val arg_rest : Arg.spec -> (string -> unit) option
val arg_set_string : Arg.spec -> string Pervasives.ref option
val arg_set_int : Arg.spec -> int Pervasives.ref option
val arg_set_float : Arg.spec -> float Pervasives.ref option
val arg_symbol : Arg.spec -> (string list * (string -> unit)) option
val arg_tuple : Arg.spec -> Arg.spec list option
val arg_bool : Arg.spec -> (bool -> unit) option
val char_escaped : char -> string
val hashtbl_mem : ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> 'a -> bool
val list_rev_append : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
val list_rev_map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
val list_sort : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list
val pervasives_set_binary_mode_out : Pervasives.out_channel -> bool -> unit
val printf_ksprintf : (string -> 'a) -> ('b, unit, string, 'a) Pervasives.format4 -> 'b
val char_uppercase : char -> char
val bytes_of_string : string -> bytes
val bytes_to_string : bytes -> string
val string_capitalize : string -> string
val string_contains : string -> char -> bool
val string_cat : bytes -> bytes -> bytes
val string_copy : bytes -> bytes
val string_create : int -> bytes
val string_get : bytes -> int -> char
val string_index : bytes -> char -> int
val string_length : bytes -> int
val string_lowercase : string -> string
val string_unsafe_set : bytes -> int -> char -> unit
val string_uncapitalize : string -> string
val string_uppercase : string -> string
val string_set : bytes -> int -> char -> unit
val string_sub : bytes -> int -> int -> bytes
val array_create : int -> 'a -> 'a array

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