package camlon

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t =
  1. | Comment_start
  2. | Comment_not_end
  3. | Deprecated of string
  4. | Fragile_match of string
  5. | Partial_application
  6. | Labels_omitted of string list
  7. | Method_override of string list
  8. | Partial_match of string
  9. | Non_closed_record_pattern of string
  10. | Statement_type
  11. | Unused_match
  12. | Unused_pat
  13. | Instance_variable_override of string list
  14. | Illegal_backslash
  15. | Implicit_public_methods of string list
  16. | Unerasable_optional_argument
  17. | Undeclared_virtual_method of string
  18. | Not_principal of string
  19. | Without_principality of string
  20. | Unused_argument
  21. | Nonreturning_statement
  22. | Preprocessor of string
  23. | Useless_record_with
  24. | Bad_module_name of string
  25. | All_clauses_guarded
  26. | Unused_var of string
  27. | Unused_var_strict of string
  28. | Wildcard_arg_to_constant_constr
  29. | Eol_in_string
  30. | Duplicate_definitions of string * string * string * string
  31. | Multiple_definition of string * string * string
  32. | Unused_value_declaration of string
  33. | Unused_open of string
  34. | Unused_type_declaration of string
  35. | Unused_for_index of string
  36. | Unused_ancestor of string
  37. | Unused_constructor of string * bool * bool
  38. | Unused_extension of string * bool * bool * bool
  39. | Unused_rec_flag
  40. | Name_out_of_scope of string * string list * bool
  41. | Ambiguous_name of string list * string list * bool
  42. | Disambiguated_name of string
  43. | Nonoptional_label of string
  44. | Open_shadow_identifier of string * string
  45. | Open_shadow_label_constructor of string * string
  46. | Bad_env_variable of string * string
  47. | Attribute_payload of string * string
  48. | Eliminated_optional_arguments of string list
  49. | No_cmi_file of string * string option
  50. | Bad_docstring of bool
  51. | Expect_tailcall
  52. | Fragile_literal_pattern
  53. | Misplaced_attribute of string
  54. | Duplicated_attribute of string
  55. | Inlining_impossible of string
  56. | Unreachable_case
  57. | Ambiguous_pattern of string list
  58. | No_cmx_file of string
  59. | Assignment_to_non_mutable_value
  60. | Unused_module of string
  61. | Unboxable_type_in_prim_decl of string
val parse_options : bool -> string -> unit
val is_active : t -> bool
val is_error : t -> bool
val defaults_w : string
val defaults_warn_error : string
val print : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
exception Errors of int
val check_fatal : unit -> unit
val reset_fatal : unit -> unit
val help_warnings : unit -> unit
type state
val backup : unit -> state
val restore : state -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.