package camllib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type (!'a, !'b) el =
  1. | Atome of 'b
  2. | List of ('a, 'b) t
and (!'a, !'b) t = 'a * ('a, 'b) el list
val cons : ('a, 'b) el -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b) t
val atome : 'b -> ('a, 'b) el
val list : 'a -> ('a, 'b) el list -> ('a, 'b) el
val of_list : 'a -> 'b list -> ('a, 'b) t
val to_list : ('a, 'b) t -> 'b list
val hd : ('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b) el
val tl : ('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b) t
val length : ('a, 'b) t -> int
val depth : ('a, 'b) t -> int
val append : combine:('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b) t
val flatten : ?depth:int -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b) t
val rev : ('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b) t
val mem : 'b -> ('a, 'b) t -> bool
val exists : ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> ('a, 'b) t -> bool
val map : ('a -> 'c) -> (bool -> 'a -> 'b -> 'd) -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('c, 'd) t
val map' : (bool -> 'b -> 'c) -> (bool -> ('a, 'b) t -> 'd) -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('d, 'c) t
val iter : (bool -> 'a -> 'b -> unit) -> ('a, 'b) t -> unit
val fold_left : ('c -> bool -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'c -> ('a, 'b) t -> 'c
val fold_right : (bool -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'c) -> ('a, 'b) t -> 'c -> 'c
val print : ?first:(unit, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format -> ?sep:(unit, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format -> ?last:(unit, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format -> ?firstexp:(unit, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format -> ?lastexp:(unit, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> (Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> ('a, 'b) t -> unit

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