Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
val src : Logs.src
val pp_script_job : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> script_job -> unit
val pp_orb_build_job : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> orb_build_job -> unit
val pp_execution_result : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> execution_result -> unit
val pp_period : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> period -> unit
val pp_job : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> job -> unit
val job_name : job -> string
val job_platform : job -> string option
val pp_schedule_item : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> schedule_item -> unit
type info = {
schedule : schedule_item list;
queues : (string * job list) list;
running : (Ptime.t * Uuidm.t * script_job) list;
dropped_platforms : string list;
val pp_info : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> info -> unit
type cmd =
| Job_requested of string
| Job_schedule of Uuidm.t * script_job
| Job_finished of Uuidm.t * execution_result * data
| Output of Uuidm.t * string
| Output_timestamped of Uuidm.t * int64 * string
| Schedule of period * script_job
| Unschedule of string
| Info
| Info_reply of info
| Observe of Uuidm.t
| Execute of string * string option
| Schedule_orb_build of period * orb_build_job
| Reschedule of string * Ptime.t * period option
| Drop_platform of string
| Undrop_platform of string
| Client_hello of [ `Client | `Worker ] * int
| Server_hello
| Success
| Failure of string
val pp_cmd : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> cmd -> unit
type state_item =
| Queue of string * job list
| Schedule of schedule_item
| Dropped_platform of string
val pp_state_item : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> state_item -> unit
type state = state_item list
val pp_state : state_item list Fmt.t
module Asn : sig ... end
val read_cmd : Unix.file_descr -> (cmd, [> `Msg of string ]) Stdlib.result
val write_cmd :
Unix.file_descr ->
cmd ->
(unit, [> `Msg of string ]) Stdlib.result