package builder

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val decode_strict : 'a Asn.codec -> Cstruct.t -> ('a, [> `Msg of string ]) result
val projections_of : 'a Asn.t -> (Cstruct.t -> ('a, [> `Msg of string ]) result) * ('a -> Cstruct.t)
val data : (Fpath.t * string) list Asn.S.t
val script_job : script_job Asn.S.t
val orb_build_job : orb_build_job Asn.S.t
val job : job Asn.S.t
val period : period Asn.S.t
val old_schedule : schedule_item Asn.S.t
val schedule : schedule_item Asn.S.t
val state_item : state_item option Asn.S.t
val state_of_cs : Cstruct.t -> (state_item list, [> `Msg of string ]) result
val state_to_cs : state_item list -> Cstruct.t
val uuid : Uuidm.t Asn.S.t
val exec : (script_job * Uuidm.t * (int * string) list * Ptime.t * Ptime.t * execution_result * (Fpath.t * string) list) Asn.S.t
val exec_of_cs : Cstruct.t -> (script_job * Uuidm.t * (int * string) list * Ptime.t * Ptime.t * execution_result * (Fpath.t * string) list, [> `Msg of string ]) result
val exec_to_cs : (script_job * Uuidm.t * (int * string) list * Ptime.t * Ptime.t * execution_result * (Fpath.t * string) list) -> Cstruct.t
val client_or_worker : [ `Client | `Worker ] Asn.S.t
val cmd : cmd Asn.S.t
val cmd_of_cs : Cstruct.t -> (cmd, [> `Msg of string ]) result
val cmd_to_cs : cmd -> Cstruct.t

Innovation. Community. Security.