package bonsai

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val map_of_set : ('k, 'cmp) Core.Set.t Bonsai.Value.t -> ('k, unit, 'cmp) Core.Map.t Bonsai.Computation.t
val map_keys : ('k, _, 'cmp) Core.Map.t Bonsai.Value.t -> ('k, 'cmp) Core.Set.t Bonsai.Computation.t
val toggle : Core.Source_code_position.t -> default_model:bool -> (bool * unit Bonsai.Effect.t) Bonsai.Computation.t
val map_merge : ('k, 'v1, 'cmp) Core.Map.t Bonsai.Value.t -> ('k, 'v2, 'cmp) Core.Map.t Bonsai.Value.t -> f: (key:'k -> [ `Both of 'v1 * 'v2 | `Left of 'v1 | `Right of 'v2 ] -> 'v option) -> ('k, 'v, 'cmp) Core.Map.t Bonsai.Computation.t
val with_inject_fixed_point : (('action -> unit Bonsai.Effect.t) Bonsai.Value.t -> ('result * ('action -> unit Bonsai.Effect.t)) Bonsai.Computation.t) -> 'result Bonsai.Computation.t

with_inject_fixed_point allows an injection function produced as the result of a computation to be used as the input of that same combination. This "tie-the-knot" operation is legal because actions are scheduled independently of computation evaluation, allowing us to break what seems like a dependency loop.

However, it is important that the input injection function isn't the same one that is returned by the computation (or even a component of the returned injection function). If that happens, an action being triggered will cause an inifinite loop to occur in the aciton scheduler.

yoink is a function that takes a bonsai value and produces a computation producing an effect which fetches the current value out of the input. This can be useful inside of let%bind.Effect chains, where a value that you've closed over is stale and you want to witness a value after it's been changed by a previous effect.

val scope_model : ('a, _) Bonsai.comparator -> on:'a Bonsai.Value.t -> 'b Bonsai.Computation.t -> 'b Bonsai.Computation.t

scope_model allows you to have a different model for the provided computation, keyed by some other value.

Suppose for example, that you had a form for editing details about a person. This form should have different state for each person. You could use scope_model, where the ~on parameter is set to a user-id, and now when that value changes, the model for the other computation is set to the model for that particular user.

val pipe : Core.Source_code_position.t -> (module Bonsai.Model with type t = 'a) -> (('a -> unit Ui_effect.t) * 'a Bonsai.Effect.t) Bonsai.Computation.t

pipe constructs a pipe of a and returns a pair containing an injection function that enqueues items and an Effect that dequeues them.

As its name implies, exactly_once runs the event passed in via Value.t exactly once.

val exactly_once_with_value : Core.Source_code_position.t -> (module Bonsai.Model with type t = 'a) -> 'a Ui_effect.t Bonsai.Value.t -> 'a option Bonsai.Computation.t

As its name implies, exactly_once runs the event passed in via Value.t exactly once. The return value is stored and returned. None is returned while the effect is executing.

val freeze : Core.Source_code_position.t -> (module Bonsai.Model with type t = 'a) -> 'a Bonsai.Value.t -> 'a Bonsai.Computation.t

freeze takes a Value.t and returns a computation whose output is frozen to be the first value that passed through the input.

val thunk : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a Bonsai.Computation.t
val state_machine0_dynamic_model : Core.Source_code_position.t -> (module Bonsai.Model with type t = 'model) -> (module Bonsai.Action with type t = 'action) -> model: [< `Computed of ('model option -> 'model) Bonsai.Value.t | `Given of 'model Bonsai.Value.t ] -> apply_action: (inject:('action -> unit Ui_effect.t) -> schedule_event:(unit Ui_effect.t -> unit) -> 'model -> 'action -> 'model) -> ('model * ('action -> unit Ui_effect.t)) Bonsai.Computation.t

This function is identical to Bonsai.state_machine0 except that the default_model is initially unset, but can be computed or defaulted to a dynamic value.

This means that before an apply_action occurs, the model can change out from underneath the state machine as the default_model value changes. If this is undesirable, you may want to freeze the default_model first.

val state_machine1_dynamic_model : Core.Source_code_position.t -> (module Bonsai.Model with type t = 'model) -> (module Bonsai.Action with type t = 'action) -> model: [< `Computed of ('model option -> 'model) Bonsai.Value.t | `Given of 'model Bonsai.Value.t ] -> apply_action: (inject:('action -> unit Ui_effect.t) -> schedule_event:(unit Ui_effect.t -> unit) -> 'input -> 'model -> 'action -> 'model) -> 'input Bonsai.Value.t -> ('model * ('action -> unit Ui_effect.t)) Bonsai.Computation.t

Read the docs for state_machine0_dynamic_model. This one has an extra 'input value that can be taken into account when the apply_action is invoked.

val state_dynamic_model : Core.Source_code_position.t -> (module Bonsai.Model with type t = 'model) -> model: [< `Computed of ('model option -> 'model) Bonsai.Value.t | `Given of 'model Bonsai.Value.t ] -> ('model * ('model -> unit Ui_effect.t)) Bonsai.Computation.t

The analog of Bonsai.state, but with a dynamic model. Read the docs for state_machine0_dynamic_model

module Id_gen (T : Core.Int_intf.S) () : sig ... end

Id_gen builds a component which generates unique identifiers by starting at 0 and incrementing by one every time that the effect is called.

val mirror : Core.Source_code_position.t -> (module Bonsai.Model with type t = 'm) -> store_set:('m -> unit Ui_effect.t) Bonsai.Value.t -> store_value:'m Bonsai.Value.t -> interactive_set:('m -> unit Ui_effect.t) Bonsai.Value.t -> interactive_value:'m Bonsai.Value.t -> unit Bonsai.Computation.t

mirror is used to reflect state back and forth between locations. Frequently this will be used to back up a components model in a more persistent form of storage, such as the URL, or local-storage.

The gist of this combinator is that if you have two states that you'd like to be synchronized, you can feed the "current value" and "set value" functions for both states into mirror and they'll automatically be kept up to date. Either of these can be backed by any kind of structure, but there are some important differences in their symmetry.

When the component is first loaded, store has priority, so if the values are different, store wins, and interactive has its value "set". From that point on, if either incoming value changes, the opposite setter is called. In the case that both store and interactive change at the same time, the tie is broken in favor of interactive, and store_set is called.


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