package bitwuzla

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type 'a t = 'a term constraint 'a = [< bv | rm | fp | ('b, 'c) ar ]

A term of 'a kind.

type 'a variadic =
  1. | [] : unit variadic
  2. | :: : [< bv | rm | fp ] as 'a term * 'b variadic -> ('a -> 'b) variadic

    Functions accept only bit-vector, rounding-mode or floating-point as argument


Statically typed list of function argument terms.


module Bl : sig ... end


module Bv : sig ... end


module Rm : sig ... end


module Fp : sig ... end


module Ar : sig ... end


module Uf : sig ... end

Uninterpreted function

val const : 'a sort -> string -> 'a term

const sort symbol create a (first-order) constant of given sort with given symbol.

This creates a 0-arity function symbol.

  • parameter sort

    The sort of the constant.

  • parameter symbol

    The symbol of the constant.

  • returns

    A term representing the constant.

val equal : 'a t -> 'a t -> bv t

equal t0 t1 create an equality term.

  • parameter t0

    The first term.

  • parameter t1

    The second term.

  • returns

    SMT-LIB: =

val distinct : 'a t -> 'a t -> bv t

distinct t0 t1 create an disequality term.

  • parameter t0

    The first term.

  • parameter t1

    The second term.

  • returns

    SMT-LIB: not (= t0 t1)

val ite : bv t -> 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t

ite t0 t1 t2 create an if-then-else term.

  • parameter t0

    The condition term.

  • parameter t1

    The then term.

  • parameter t2

    The else term.

  • returns

    SMT-LIB: ite

val hash : 'a t -> int

hash t compute the hash value for a term.

  • parameter t

    The term.

  • returns

    The hash value of the term.

val sort : 'a t -> 'a sort

sort t get the sort of a term.

  • parameter t

    The term.

  • returns

    The sort of the term.

val pp : Format.formatter -> 'a term -> unit

pp formatter t pretty print term.

  • parameter formatter

    The outpout formatter

  • parameter t

    The term.


type 'a view =
  1. | Value : 'a value -> 'a view
  2. | Const : 'a sort * string -> 'a view
  3. | Var : [< bv | rm | fp ] as 'a sort -> 'a view
  4. | Lambda : 'a variadic * 'b term -> ('a, 'b) fn view
  5. | Equal : [< bv | rm | fp | ('b, 'c) ar ] as 'a term * 'a term -> bv view
  6. | Distinct : [< bv | rm | fp | ('b, 'c) ar ] as 'a term * 'a term -> bv view
  7. | Ite : bv term * [< bv | rm | fp | ('b, 'c) ar ] as 'a term * 'a term -> 'a view
  8. | Bv : ('a, 'b) Bv.operator * 'b -> bv view
  9. | Fp : ('a, 'b, 'c) Fp.operator * 'b -> 'c view
  10. | Select : ('a, 'b) ar term * 'a term -> 'b view
  11. | Store : ('a, 'b) ar term * 'a term * 'b term -> ('a, 'b) ar view
  12. | Apply : ('a, 'b) fn term * 'a variadic -> 'b view

Algebraic view of formula terms.

val view : 'a term -> 'a view

view t destructurate a term.

  • parameter t

    The term.

  • returns

    The view of the term and its children.


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