Provides comparators for use with Janestreet Libraries.
A comparator is a comparison function paired with a type that is unique to this function and that acts as the witness of equality between two comparison functions.
Comparators are extensively used in the Janestreet's suite of libraries, e.g., Base, Core_kernel@@warning "-D"
, Core, etc. Comparators are used to create sets, maps, hashtables, to instantiate interfaces, and algorithms that require comparison.
This module provides two comparators, ascending
and descending
, which represent two corresponding orderings, as well as the natural
comparator, which is the default ordering that equals with the ascending
order, which should be used in cases where a particular ordering doesn't matter.
This library interface is designed from the point of view of the library user, to minimize verbosity and maximize readability and the ease of use.
For example, an empty set is created as
let words = Set.empty Bitvec_order.natural
and it has type
(Bitvec.t,Bitvec_order.natural) set
(See the note on comparators below for the old style comparators)
This module also provides (implements) the Base.Comparator.S
interface that is required by a few Janestreet functors, in particular, you can construct the type of a set of bitvectors, as
type t = Set.M(Bitvec_oder)
, or for a mapping from bitvectors to OCaml int
it would be
type t = int Map.M(Bitvec_order)
And to instantiate the Comparable.S
nclude Comparable.Make(Bitvec_order).
See also, Bitvec_binprot
that provide support for the binable interfaces.
Finally, for even more concise and readable syntax we provide the Comparators
module that designed to be opened, since it defines properly prefixed identifiers, which will unlikely clash with any existing name, so that the above examples could be expressed
open Bitvec_order.Comparators
let words = Set.empty bitvec_order
type words = (bitvec, bitvec_order) Set.t
let decreasing x y = x y
The old style comparators
Historically, the comparator in the Janestreet libraries had two representations - as a record that contains the compare
function, and as a module that contains this record and an instance of the witness type. The former representation is mostly used for internal purposes, while the latter is expected in most of the public functions, like Set.empty
, Map.empty
in the form of the first-class module, or in different Make*
functors. In this library, when we use the word comparator to refer to the latter representation, i.e., to the module. When the underlying comparator record is needed, it could be obtained through the comparator
field of the module.
The older versions of Core and Base libraries were accepting the comparator as a record, so instead of writing
Set.empty Bitvec_order.natural
the following notation should be used
Set.empty Bitvec_order.Natural.comparator