package bitmasks

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Functor building an implementation of a BitMaskSet for a given BitMask. Normally, the result of this functor will be constrained to S as:

module BMSet =
  type elt = B0 | B1 | ...
  include BitMaskSet.Make(struct ... end)

and the signature may be given as:

module BMSet :
  type elt = B0 | B1 | ...
  include BitMaskSet.S with type elt := elt
                       with type storage = ...
                       with type t = private ...

Note that S does not include create, allowing internal code to create the bitmasks directly but forcing external code to use add, singleton or of_list. This pattern allows you to guarantee that bitmasks will never include invalid bits.


module Mask : BitMask


type storage =

The underlying storage type.

type t =

The underlying storage type.

The type of bitmasks. This is separate from storage as it will typically be exposed as a private type.

val create : storage -> t

Creates a bitmask from the storage type (this operation is simply the identity function).

val invalid : ->

invalid mask returns a mask where only the bits which are invalid remain set. The handling of invalid bits in the subsequent functions is a compromise between performance and type safety. In general, invalid bits are only ignored if they must ignored to maintain type safety: for use cases where the invalid bits should be ignored, use this function to remove them from the bit mask (e.g. diff (create x) (invalid x)).

val empty :

The empty bitmask.

val is_empty : -> bool

Tests whether a bitmask is empty or not (includes invalid bits).

val mem : Mask.t -> -> bool

mem x s tests whether x is set in s.

add x s returns a bitmask containing all the elements of s with x set. If x was already set in s, s is returned unchanged.

val singleton : Mask.t ->

singleton x returns the bitmask with only x set.

val remove : Mask.t -> ->

remove x s returns a bitmask containing all the elements of s with x not set. If x was not set in s, s is returned unchanged.

Bitmask union (invalid bits are included).

Bitmask intersection (invalid bits are included).

Bitmask difference (invalid bits are included).

val compare : -> -> int

Total ordering between bitmasks. The presence of differing invalid bits may make two otherwise identical bitmasks differ.

val equal : -> -> bool

equal s1 s2 tests whether the bitmasks s1 and s2 are equal, that is, contain the same set elements. The presence of differing invalid bits may make two otherwise identical bitmasks differ.

val subset : -> -> bool

subset s1 s2 tests whether the bitmask s1 is a subset of the bitmask s2 (invalid bits are included).

val iter : (Mask.t -> unit) -> -> unit

iter f s applies f in turn to all elements of s. The elements of s are presented to f in increasing order with respect to the bit number (i.e. the constructor position within type Mask.t).

val map : (Mask.t -> Mask.t) -> ->

map f s is the bitmask whose elements are f a0,f a1... f aN, where a0,a1...aN are the elements of s.. The elements are passed to f in increasing order with respect to the bit number (i.e. the constructor position within type Mask.t).

If no element of s is changed by f, s is returned unchanged.

  • since 1.1.0
val fold : (Mask.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> -> 'a -> 'a

fold f s a computes (f xN ... (f x2 (f x1 a))...), where x1 ... xN are the elements of s, in increasing order with respect to the bit number (i.e. the constructor position within type Mask.t).

val for_all : (Mask.t -> bool) -> -> bool

for_all p s checks if all elements of the bitmask satisfy the predicate p.

val exists : (Mask.t -> bool) -> -> bool

exists p s checks if at least one element of the bitmask satisfies the predicate p.

val filter : (Mask.t -> bool) -> ->

filter p s returns the bitmask of all elements in s that satisfy the predicate p.

val partition : (Mask.t -> bool) -> -> *

partition p s returns a pair of bitmasks (s1, s2), where s1 is the bitmask of all elements of s that satisfy the predicate p, and s2 is the bitmask of all the elements of s that do not satisfy p. s2 will not contain any invalid bits present in s.

val cardinal : -> int

Return the number of bits which are set in the bitmask (does not include invalid bits).

val elements : -> Mask.t list

Return the list of all elements of the given bitmask. The returned list is sorted in increasing order with respect to the bit number (i.e. the constructor position within type Mask.t).

val min_elt : -> Mask.t

Return the smallest element of the given bitmask (with respect to the bit number, i.e. the constructor position within type Mask.t) or raise Not_found if the bitmask is empty.

val min_elt_opt : -> Mask.t option

Return the smallest element of the given bitmask (with respect to the bit number, i.e. the constructor position within type Mask.t) or None if the bitmask is empty.

  • since 1.1.0
val max_elt : -> Mask.t

Same as min_elt, but returns the largest element of the given bitmask.

val max_elt_opt : -> Mask.t option

Same as min_elt_opt, but returns the largest element of the given bitmask.

  • since 1.1.0
val choose : -> Mask.t

Return one element of the given bitmask, or raise Not_found if the bitmask is empty. Which element is chosen is unspecified, but equal elements will be chosen for equal bitmasks (differing invalid bits do not affect this function).

val choose_opt : -> Mask.t option

Return one element of the given bitmask, or None if the bitmask is empty. Which element is chosen is unspecified, but equal elements will be chosen for equal bitmasks (differing invalid bits do not affect this function).

  • since 1.1.0
val split : Mask.t -> -> * bool *

split x s returns a triple (l, present, r), where l is the bitmask of elements of s that are strictly less than x; r is the bitmask of elements of s that are strictly greater than x and present is true if x is set in s. l and r will not contain invalid bits.

val find : Mask.t -> -> Mask.t

find x s returns x if x is set in s or raises Not_found if it is not.

val find_opt : Mask.t -> -> Mask.t option

find_opt x s returns Some x if x is set in s or None if it is not.

  • since 1.1.0
val find_first : (Mask.t -> bool) -> -> Mask.t

find_first f s, where f is a monotonically increasing function, returns the smallest element e of s (with respect to the bit number, i.e. the constructor position within type Mask.t) such that f e or raises Not_found if no such element exists.

  • since 1.1.0
val find_first_opt : (Mask.t -> bool) -> -> Mask.t option

find_first_opt f s, where f is a monotonically increasing function, returns an option containing the smallest element e of s (with respect to the bit number, i.e. the constructor position within type Mask.t) such that f e or None if no such element exists.

  • since 1.1.0
val find_last : (Mask.t -> bool) -> -> Mask.t

find_last f s, where f is a monotonically increasing function, returns the largest element e of s (with respect to the bit number, i.e. the constructor position within type Mask.t) such that f e or raises Not_found if no such element exists.

  • since 1.1.0
val find_last_opt : (Mask.t -> bool) -> -> Mask.t option

find_last_opt f s, where f is a monotonically increasing function, returns an option containing the largest element e of s (with respect to the bit number, i.e. the constructor position within type Mask.t) such that f e or None if no such element exists.

  • since 1.1.0
val of_list : Mask.t list -> t

of_list l creates a bitmask from a list of elements. For bitmasks, this is just a convenience vs folding add over the list.


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