package bitcoin

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Functor that takes a concrete implementation of a HTTPCLIENT and actual CONNECTION information, and creates a module with signature ENGINE offering an API for communicating with a Bitcoin client.



type 'a monad_t = 'a Httpclient.Monad.t

Block chain

val getbestblockhash : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> blkhash_t monad_t

Returns the block hash for the head block in the best block chain.

val getblock : ?conn:conn_t -> blkhash_t -> hexblk_t monad_t

Returns the hex-encoded, serialised data for the block with the given block hash.

val getblock_verbose : ?conn:conn_t -> blkhash_t -> assoc_t monad_t

Returns the available data for the block with the given block hash.

val getblockchaininfo : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> assoc_t monad_t

Returns information concerning the current state of the block chain.

val getblockcount : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> int monad_t

Returns the number of blocks in the best block chain.

val getblockhash : ?conn:conn_t -> int -> blkhash_t monad_t

Returns the block hash for the block located at the given index in the longest block chain.

val getchaintips : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> assoc_t monad_t

Returns information about the highest-height block (tip) of each local block chain.

val getdifficulty : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> float monad_t

Returns the current difficulty (as a multiple of the minimum difficulty).

val getmempoolinfo : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> assoc_t monad_t

Returns information about the node's current transaction memory pool.

val getrawmempool : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> txid_t list monad_t

Returns all transaction IDs currently in the memory pool.

val getrawmempool_verbose : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> assoc_t monad_t

Returns detailed information about all transactions currently in the memory pool.

val gettxout : ?conn:conn_t -> ?includemempool:bool -> txoutput_t -> assoc_t monad_t

Returns detailed information concerning a given unspent transaction output.

val gettxoutsetinfo : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> assoc_t monad_t

Returns some statistics about the current set of unspent transaction outputs.

val verifychain : ?conn:conn_t -> ?checklevel:int -> ?numblocks:int -> unit -> bool monad_t

Verifies the blockchain database. The optional parameter checklevel is an integer between 0 and 4, indicating how thorough the verification should be (higher numbers indicate a more thorough checking; the default is 3). The optional parameter numblocks indicates whether the verification should apply to all blocks (when zero), or be restricted to the last given blocks (when a positive integer). By default only the last 288 blocks are verified).

Overall control/query calls

val stop : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> unit monad_t

Shuts down the server.


val getgenerate : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> bool monad_t

Are we currently trying to generate new blocks?

val setgenerate : ?conn:conn_t -> ?genproclimit:int -> bool -> unit monad_t

Turns on/off the generation of new blocks (a.k.a. "mining"). If provided, genproclimit limits the number of CPUs to be used for generating.


val getblocktemplate : ?conn:conn_t -> ?obj:assoc_t -> unit -> assoc_t monad_t

Returns data needed to construct a block to work on.

val getmininginfo : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> assoc_t monad_t

Returns an object containing mining related information.

val getnetworkhashps : ?conn:conn_t -> ?blocks:int -> ?height:int -> unit -> int monad_t

Returns the estimated number of hashes per second of the entire network

val prioritisetransaction : ?conn:conn_t -> txid_t -> float -> amount_t -> bool monad_t

prioritisetransaction txid delta_prio delta_fee adjusts the priority of transaction txid by delta_prio, while also adjusting the transaction fee by delta_fee.

val submitblock : ?conn:conn_t -> hexblk_t -> unit monad_t

Attempts to submit new block to network.

P2P networking

val addnode : ?conn:conn_t -> node_t -> [ `Add | `Remove | `Onetry ] -> unit monad_t

Allows manually adding/removing a node.

val getaddednodeinfo : ?conn:conn_t -> ?node:node_t -> unit -> node_t list monad_t

Returns the list of nodes manually added with addnode.

val getaddednodeinfo_verbose : ?conn:conn_t -> ?node:node_t -> unit -> assoc_t list monad_t

Returns a list with more information about the nodes manually added with addnode.

val getconnectioncount : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> int monad_t

Returns the number of connections to peer nodes.

val getnettotals : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> assoc_t monad_t

Returns information about network traffic.

val getnetworkinfo : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> assoc_t monad_t

Returns miscelaneous information concerning the node's connection to the P2P network.

val getpeerinfo : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> assoc_t list monad_t

Returns information about each connected peer.

val ping : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> unit monad_t

Sends a ping to all other nodes. Note that results are provided via getpeerinfo.

Raw transactions

val createrawtransaction : ?conn:conn_t -> txoutput_t list -> (address_t * amount_t) list -> hextx_t monad_t

createrawtransaction inputs outputs creates a raw transaction that transfers the given inputs (a list of transaction outputs) to the given outputs (a list of addresses and amounts). This function returns the hex-encoded transaction, but neither does it transmit the transaction to the network nor does it store the transaction in the wallet. In addition, the transaction inputs are not signed, and therefore the returned raw transaction cannot be directly transmitted to the network with sendrawtransaction without it being previosuly signed with signrawtransaction.

A transaction fee is specified implicitly by making the total output amounts be smaller than the total input amounts (ie, fee = total inputs - total outputs).

Beware that no checks are performed concerning the validity of the transaction. If care is not taken, it is possible to create a transaction that will not be accepted by the network, either because it uses invalid inputs, has a greater total amount in the outputs than in the outputs, or does not offer a sufficient transaction fee.

val decoderawtransaction : ?conn:conn_t -> hextx_t -> assoc_t monad_t

Returns an object containing information concerning the given raw transaction.

val decodescript : ?conn:conn_t -> hexspk_t -> assoc_t monad_t

Returns the decoded version of a hex-encoded script.

val getrawtransaction : ?conn:conn_t -> txid_t -> hextx_t monad_t

Returns the raw transaction corresponding to the given transaction ID.

val getrawtransaction_verbose : ?conn:conn_t -> txid_t -> assoc_t monad_t

Returns all the raw information concerning the transaction with the given ID. This function returns even more information than that available with gettransaction.

val sendrawtransaction : ?conn:conn_t -> ?allow_high_fees:bool -> hextx_t -> txid_t monad_t

Transmits the given raw transaction to the network. Note that no attempt is made to verify the validity of the transaction, and other peers may choose to drop it if invalid. Because a raw transaction may inadvertently specify a much higher fee than intended (such mistakes have happened in the past), the optional boolean parameter allow_high_fees must be set to true if a high fee is indeed intentional (this parameter defaults to false, of course).

val signrawtransaction : ?conn:conn_t -> ?parents:(txoutput_t * hexspk_t) list -> ?keys:priv_t list -> ?sighash:([ `All | `None | `Single ] * bool) -> hextx_t -> (hextx_t * bool) monad_t

Signs a raw transaction, returning a pair with the signed transaction in hex format and a boolean indicating whether all private keys required for a successful signing have been found. A raw transaction created with createrawtransaction must be signed before broadcasting to the network with sendrawtransaction. The optional parameters parents, keys, and sighash are only required if you wish to chain transactions or if the private keys required for signing do not reside in the wallet. Note that these optional parameters have the particularity that providing a value for parameter n requires also providing a value for n-1.

Utility functions

val createmultisig : ?conn:conn_t -> int -> multi_t list -> (address_t * hexspk_t) monad_t

Creates a m-of-n multi-signature address. An invocation of createmultisig num pubs where List.length pubs >= num returns an address that requires the private keys of at least num members of pubs for spending.

val estimatefee : ?conn:conn_t -> int -> amount_t monad_t

Estimates the transaction fee (per kilobyte) that needs to be paid for a transaction to be included within the given number of blocks.

val estimatepriority : ?conn:conn_t -> int -> float option monad_t

Estimates the priority that a transaction needs to have in order to be included within the given number of blocks without paying a transaction fee. A return value of None indicates that the node does not have enough information to make an estimate.

val validateaddress : ?conn:conn_t -> address_t -> assoc_t option monad_t

Is the given address a valid Bitcoin address? If so, this function returns an object containing miscelaneous information about that address. Returns None otherwise.

val verifymessage : ?conn:conn_t -> address_t -> sig_t -> string -> bool monad_t

Returns a boolean indicating whether a supposedly signed message does indeed correspond to a source message signed with the given address. Use signmessage for signing messages.


val addmultisigaddress : ?conn:conn_t -> ?account:account_t -> int -> multi_t list -> address_t monad_t

Add a n-required-to-sign multisignature address to the wallet, optionally associated with account. The value of n is an integer given by the first mandatory parameter. Each address may be provided either as a address_t, or as a hex-encoded public key (hexspk_t).

val backupwallet : ?conn:conn_t -> string -> unit monad_t

Safely backs up wallet file to the given destination, which can be either a directory or a path with filename.

val dumpprivkey : ?conn:conn_t -> address_t -> priv_t monad_t

Returns the private key corresponding to the given address. This private key can then be imported into another wallet with importprivkey. (Requires unlocked wallet).

val dumpwallet : ?conn:conn_t -> string -> unit monad_t

Dumps all wallet keys in a human readable format. The mandatory parameter is the name of the file where to put the dump. (Requires unlocked wallet).

val encryptwallet : ?conn:conn_t -> string -> unit monad_t

Encrypts the wallet with the given passphrase. Note that once encrypted, a wallet cannot be unencrypted (though the passphrase may be changed with walletpassphrasechange), and operations requiring an unlocked wallet must be preceded by a call to walletpassphrase.

val getaccount : ?conn:conn_t -> address_t -> account_t monad_t

Returns the account associated with the given address.

val getaccountaddress : ?conn:conn_t -> account_t -> address_t monad_t

Returns the receiving address currently associated with the given account. Note that a new address will automatically be generated upon funds being received on this address.

val getaddressesbyaccount : ?conn:conn_t -> account_t -> address_t list monad_t

Return all addresses associated with the given account.

val getbalance : ?conn:conn_t -> ?account:account_t -> ?minconf:int -> unit -> amount_t monad_t

If account is provided, returns the balance available in that account. If not, returns the total balance of all accounts.

val getnewaddress : ?conn:conn_t -> ?account:account_t -> unit -> address_t monad_t

Returns a newly generated address. If account is specified, the returned address is associated with that account. If not, the address is associated with the default account.

val getrawchangeaddress : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> address_t monad_t

Returns a new address for receiving change.

val getreceivedbyaccount : ?conn:conn_t -> ?minconf:int -> account_t -> amount_t monad_t

Returns the total amount received on the given account. Note that only receiving transactions are considered and therefore this function does not compute the account's current balance; see getbalance for that purpose.

val getreceivedbyaddress : ?conn:conn_t -> ?minconf:int -> address_t -> amount_t monad_t

Returns the total amount received on this address. Note that only receiving transactions are considered and therefore this function does not compute the balance currently associated with the address.

val gettransaction : ?conn:conn_t -> txid_t -> assoc_t monad_t

Returns an object containing various information about the given transaction.

val getunconfirmedbalance : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> amount_t monad_t

Returns the total unconfirmed balance.

val getwalletinfo : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> assoc_t monad_t

Returns miscelaneous information about the wallet.

val importaddress : ?conn:conn_t -> ?account:account_t -> ?rescan:bool -> multi_t -> unit monad_t

Adds an address or pubkey script to the wallet without the associated private key, allowing watching for transactions affecting that address or pubkey script, but without being able to spend any of its outputs.

val importprivkey : ?conn:conn_t -> ?account:account_t -> ?rescan:bool -> priv_t -> unit monad_t

Adds a private key to the wallet. This can be an externally generated key or one previously obtained with dumpprivkey. If account is provided, the key is associated with that account. If not, the key is associated with the default account. The rescan parameter indicates whether the blockchain should be rescanned for transactions involving the imported key. It is true be default. (Requires unlocked wallet).

val importwallet : ?conn:conn_t -> string -> unit monad_t

Imports keys from a wallet dump, produced for example by dumpwallet. The mandatory parameter is the name of the file containing the wallet dump. (Requires unlocked wallet).

val keypoolrefill : ?conn:conn_t -> ?size:int -> unit -> unit monad_t

Refills the keypool. The optional parameter size indicates the new size of the pool (default is 100). (Requires unlocked wallet).

val listaccounts : ?conn:conn_t -> ?minconf:int -> unit -> (account_t * amount_t) list monad_t

Returns a list of all accounts and associated balance.

val listaddressgroupings : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> (address_t * amount_t * account_t) list list monad_t

Returns a list of the groups of addresses whose common ownership has been made public by common use as inputs or as the resulting change in past transactions.

val listlockunspent : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> txoutput_t list monad_t

Returns a list of temporarily unspendable transaction outputs. These are outputs previously locked by a call of lockunspent, and will not be spent by the system unless explicitly used in a raw transaction.

val listreceivedbyaccount : ?conn:conn_t -> ?minconf:int -> ?includeempty:bool -> unit -> (account_t * amount_t * int) list monad_t

Returns a list of the total amount received by each account. Each returned list element is a tuple consisting of an account, the total amount received for that account, and the number of confirmations. Optional parameter includeempty indicates whether accounts with nothing received will be included in the returned list (defaults to false).

val listreceivedbyaddress : ?conn:conn_t -> ?minconf:int -> ?includeempty:bool -> unit -> (address_t * account_t * amount_t * int * txid_t list) list monad_t

Returns a list of the total amount received by each address. Each returned list element is a tuple consisting of the address, the associated account, the total amount received for that address, the number of confirmations, and a list of transaction IDs. Optional parameter includeempty indicates whether accounts with nothing received should be included in the returned list (defaults to false).

val listsinceblock : ?conn:conn_t -> ?blockhash:blkhash_t -> ?minconf:int -> unit -> (assoc_t list * blkhash_t) monad_t

Returns a pair consisting of a list of all transactions and the block hash of the latest block. If provided, the blockhash parameter limits the list of transactions to those occurring after (and not including) that block. Note that if you want to provide a value for parameter minconf, then you must also provide blockhash.

val listtransactions : ?conn:conn_t -> ?account:account_t -> ?count:int -> ?from:int -> unit -> assoc_t list monad_t

Returns up to count most recent transactions skipping the first from transactions for account. If account is not provided, then all recent transactions from all accounts will be returned. Note that count and from default to 10 and 0, respectively.

val listunspent : ?conn:conn_t -> ?minconf:int -> ?maxconf:int -> ?addresses:address_t list -> unit -> assoc_t list monad_t

Returns a list of the unspent transaction outputs that have between minconf and maxconf confirmations (these default to 1 and 9_999_999, respectively). If addresses is provided, the returned list is filtered to only include transaction outputs paid to the specified addresses.

val lockunspent : ?conn:conn_t -> ?outputs:txoutput_t list -> [ `Lock | `Unlock ] -> bool monad_t

Updates the list of temporarily unspendable transaction outputs. If the operation is `Lock, this function will lock the specified outputs, preventing them from being spent outside of a raw transaction. If the operation is `Unlock, this function will unlock the specified previously locked outputs. To unlock all currently locked outputs, set the operation to `Unlock and do not provide any list of outputs. Returns a boolean indicating whether the operation was successfull.

val move : ?conn:conn_t -> ?minconf:int -> ?comment:string -> account_t -> account_t -> amount_t -> bool monad_t

move ?minconf ?comment from_account to_account amount transfers the given amount from one account to another. If provided, comment allows you to record a comment associated with the move. Note that this is operation only rearranges the internal balances on your wallet, and is not communicated to the Bitcoin network.

val sendfrom : ?conn:conn_t -> ?minconf:int -> ?comment:string -> ?recipient:string -> account_t -> address_t -> amount_t -> txid_t monad_t

Transfers a given amount to the specified address, deducting the balance of the given account. If successful, the function returns the ID of the transaction recording the transfer. The optional parameter comment allows you to record an arbitrary comment about this transaction, whereas the also optional recipient assigns a string identifier to the recipient address. Note that sendfrom is only performed if the account balance is sufficient to fund the transfer. (Requires unlocked wallet).

val sendmany : ?conn:conn_t -> ?minconf:int -> ?comment:string -> account_t -> (address_t * amount_t) list -> txid_t monad_t

Makes multiple transfers from a given account. Besides the source account, this function accepts as parameter a list whole elements are pairs consisting of each target address and the amount to be sent. If successful, the function returns the ID of the transaction recording the transfer. The optional parameter comment allows you to record an arbitrary comment about this transaction. Note that sendmany is only performed if the account balance is sufficient to fund the transfer. (Requires unlocked wallet).

val sendtoaddress : ?conn:conn_t -> ?comment:string -> ?recipient:string -> address_t -> amount_t -> txid_t monad_t

Transfers a given amount to the specified address, deducting the balance of the default account. If successful, the function returns the ID of the transaction recording the transfer. The optional parameter comment allows you to record an arbitrary comment about this transaction, whereas the also optional recipient assigns a string identifier to the recipient address. Note that sendtoaddress is only performed if the total balance (not the balance of the default account!) is sufficient to fund the transfer. (Requires unlocked wallet).

val setaccount : ?conn:conn_t -> address_t -> account_t -> unit monad_t

Associates the given address with the given account.

val settxfee : ?conn:conn_t -> amount_t -> bool monad_t

Sets the transaction fee to be used in subsequent transactions.

val signmessage : ?conn:conn_t -> address_t -> string -> sig_t monad_t

Signs the given message with the private key of the given address. The resulting signed message can be validated with validateaddress. (Requires unlocked wallet).

val walletlock : ?conn:conn_t -> unit -> unit monad_t

Removes the wallet decryption key from memory, thus effectively locking the wallet. After this function is invoked, you may not perform any API calls that require an unlocked wallet unless you beforehand unlock the wallet again with walletpassphrase. Note that this function may not be called on an already locked wallet or in one which is altogether unencrypted.

val walletpassphrase : ?conn:conn_t -> string -> int -> unit monad_t

walletpassphrase passphrase timeout unlocks an encrypted wallet, storing the decryption key in memory. If your wallet is encrypted (see encryptwallet) then you must invoke this function prior to calling any of the functions which require an unlocked wallet. Note that the unlocking expires after timeout seconds. Regardless of the timeout, you may at any moment lock again the wallet with walletlock.

val walletpassphrasechange : ?conn:conn_t -> string -> string -> unit monad_t

walletpassphrasechange old_passphrase new_passphrase changes the wallet passphrase from old_passphrase to new_passphrase. Must only be called for an encrypted wallet.


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